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About Keiko

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  1. Hello, There is an issue on my server when a person what to take a hero server says that he is not qualified to do that. And no one who participated in Olympiad games is able to get hero. So is there any way to dig that or fix is someone can help for extra payment or for free please ping me
  2. Hello, There is a few issus with my server. 1. Mobs in catacombs are working wrong - for example when you collect mobs from from 1-2 rooms and run behind the corner mobs are loosing player target and dont run behind him. 2. Also problems with geodata a lot of places where players stuck like in wall and the same mobs from Catacombs are teleporting to up ground. Please PM me with price and Estimate of time, there also can be some additional work for additional payment.
  3. Hello, is there anybody who can help to add expoff expon function to Vanganth downgrade for C4. Actualy i have set in config. ;Enables .exp command in game EnableExpCommand=1 But when i type .exp in game it doesn't do anything. Wgen i type .expoff .expon it says - ex command not found.
  4. Hello, I'm looking to buy a web site with admin panel, registration etc.. for vaganath downgrade C4 (it should support russian language) Please PM me or email gm4@inbox.ru with some demo etc.. and prices.
  5. thank you i will take a look.
  6. Hello, I would like to buy FULL NPC's for Vanganth such as NPC Buffer and GMShop - please PM me with prices and contact info. Also if any body can share them for free it is also acceptable
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