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Everything posted by welshbow

  1. when the pack first come out i had it all but now pepole think thay can sell the pack thay have striped it down and selling part bye part is pissing me off tbh
  2. the bottem line is guys it works dont it you shouldnt gick fuck whay it looks like
  3. you can never get a full l2jfrozen pack any more
  4. there anit now download link there can you pm it to me please thanks
  5. do yopu have the link for the server files to this topic
  6. stick to c5 c6 interlude cant go wrong with them XD
  7. i get that error to and its really starting to get on my fuckin nervs now can some one help please
  8. [glow=red,2,300] LastHope i have a server iv done the database now but the only thing i can do is get on to the server how do i edit the system folder?[/glow]
  9. [glow=Red,2,300]hey guys im trying to install an l2 database but it keeps giving me error's can anyone tell me why ? thanks[/glow]
  10. [glow=Green,2,300]What's the abbreviation of elitepvpers ?[/glow]
  11. [glow=red,2,300]hi dose any one know were i can download a full server pack so i can make server with all NPC's included if you do can you leve a link please thanks[/glow]
  12. [glow=red,2,300]can any one help me out with some alredy made server files interlude please as im trying to make a server but the files i have are missing most of the files i need like the reg server files and back up files thanks . PS . sorry if this is in the rong place
  13. what is an l2 OFF server dose that mean that it dont need internet sorry to ask i just havent heard of it befor ( ANYONE) ????????
  14. hi guys im Anthony im new here nice to meat you all
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