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Posts posted by jinmaster

  1. You obviously never played official servers to say that. Stick to your shitty bugged servers like l2saga, l2mids, l2world, etc etc etc. that's obviously where you belong.


    I don't know what you're smoking, l2dex server are usually decently crowded, just because it doesn't have the massive amount of trash kids your java servers has doesn't mean it's empty. from what i've seen from previous dex servers, i'd take 100 of those players over, for example, 1k of the low-tier trash that is currently on l2saga.


    You may have 3k people at peak time on l2saga,but the game is ENTIRELY bugged (zaken/freya/teza doesn't drop shit, people even got ONE vorpal drop, ONE, on valakas LOL) and there's literally NO challenge in pvp whatsoever.

    Please stop considering these kids nolifers who feel pro playing in sh1tty l2java, donating 1k euro and server close after 2 weeks lol...so that the admin can go to Hawaii with their money...poor retards. You have the only mid rate server l2off and u will have great community,these trashes are just advertising your server more and keeping the topic UP  :DD

  2. Lol this misfit achylek still around? XD I still remember him on a stalone's server beta ( I will not say the name in this topic but it's the most known one...), he was playing PP and writing all the time "I'm pro!!1!!!1" "noobs i'm the best" and stuff like that...I was against him in oly with titan and...the GREAT AND INVINCIBLE achylek last 3 seconds against me :(( top failer go home dog

  3. Guys you are just crying, u are here just to waste time and flame, u didn't even try the fixes, speaking just to put sh1t on the server, get something real to do,maybe a life. I logged on beta and there were 20-30 ppl around, and I personally don't care if there will be 400 on or 4000000. Online number doesn't make the server better or worse, and your ridicolous Tales confirms this Achylek... if a server is worth playing,it doesn't need 10 million people to be enjoyed. Bb now

  4. Achyle usual flamer in every post...talks sh1t about every server without trying it, and plays on the most sh1tty ones (vercetti servers) lmao...ridicolous..get a life plz. Btw I tested this server on beta and I can say it's real l2off,I made a lot of tests,from many classes skills to farm zones, I will play here and my CP too, don't lose time listening to nolifer kids and try this server, the first real l2off server from years...really worth it.

  5. Hi all, I highly recommend this server if you want to play in a long-time and well fixed server,these are not just words,server is 2 years active without wipe... l2 off files and available GM,it has a really good base,we just need more ppl and a lot of fun will come,that's for sure. Just try it and see :) we're waiting for you!

  6. Hi all, I'm playing titan on an Interlude server, but i don't know how to make frenzy before oly match starts...This is what i do to try to make pre-frenzy(I don't have an IC set but other ppl make pre-frenzy without it) : 1) Equip Demon robe set and Homu conversion 2) Equip Tallum heavy set and soes btb and make btb 3) Equip doom heavy and yaksa mace healt, but my hp still remain a little higher than 30%,and if i take a pole to make earthquake,the healt effect disappears so it's useless...

    Please someone who have played titan on interlude help me...Thanks!


  7. Hi all, I'm playing titan on an Interlude server, but i don't know how to make frenzy before oly match starts...This is what i do to try to make pre-frenzy(I don't have an IC set but other ppl make pre-frenzy without it) : 1) Equip Demon robe set and Homu conversion 2) Equip Tallum heavy set and soes btb and make btb 3) Equip doom heavy and yaksa mace healt, but my hp still remain a little higher than 30%,and if i take a pole to make earthquake,the healt effect disappears so it's useless...

    Please someone who have played titan on interlude help me...Thanks!

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