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Everything posted by rainblood

  1. Thats good charity i suppose... Hahaha
  2. Wow thank bro!! ;D ;D ;D
  3. Can you please help our friends here who would want to try the bot for private servers too!! Thanks!!
  4. what lineage version is this server? Interlude?
  5. gronar94 please stop spamming... LOL ^_^ -2 Karma already!
  6. Hmmm I agree with you svenooo.. If you are using many accounts this might be feasible for you. The thing is that, if you have used l2walker, the interface is a bit different.. But more or less you will have the idea of what you are doing.
  7. There are no cracked or free OOG yet for Interlude... Relogin? Check out the guides for your information..
  8. You can check it out.. There are differences in setting but if you are familiar with L2walker then you can differentiate which is better. ^_^
  9. Nice Guide bro... In depth and up close. ^_^
  10. Well its part of the game.. you must gamble in order to achieve something.. ^_^
  11. Thanks dude.. this works fine for me.. ^_^
  12. I think this does not work for private servers.. It is only for Philippines,Malaysia and Singapore Servers only ;D ;D ;D
  13. Thanks bro for sharing..
  14. Hahaha.. I thought it would be favorable to non-dwarfs to delevel.. Well that would be nice for dwarves eh! Thanks alot compadres!!!
  15. What does deleveling do good to a character? ???
  16. I think there is still no walker for this.. They are still on the process of cracking.. ^_^
  17. What kind of a server is this? I mean what version? Interlude? C5.. C4.. Etc?
  18. gee thanks for this!
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