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  • Country
    United States

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Newbie (1/16)

  • Week One Done Rare
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  1. WTB l2warland epics, items++. PM
  2. Skelth Classic EU WTS ACC 42 sph +12 wit, sage staff, karmian set, c jew, mats, adena... 25 eur no subscription Can use Middle-Man if YOU want Paypal sending as gift to family, friends
  3. Skelth Classic EU WTS ACC 42 sph +12 wit, sage staff, karmian set, c jew Can use Middle-Man if YOU want Paypal sending as gift to family, friends
  4. Skelth Classic EU WTS ACC 46 Gladiator(naked) + 100bsoe, ch pots~ included 50eu Can use Middle-Man if YOU want Paypal sending as gift to family, friends PM
  5. Skelth Classic EU WTS ACC 46 Gladiator 100$ Can use Middle-Man if YOU want Paypal sending as gift to family, friends PM or skype deivis2005
  6. Clean your messages coz your inbox is full, I can't send any message to you..

  7. Skelth Classic EU WTS 2x ACC & Adena Adena 1kk - 12$ find cheaper? pm I'll give you better offer. No BOT used. Adena legally farmed. Can use Middle-Man if YOU want 46 GLAD (Top C duals+4, Top Luxury Armors, Jew) 45 WS (Yaksa+3, Top Luxury Armor, Jew, C helm) Selling with or without items. PM or skype deivis2005
  8. Dunno this guy, seems like a scammer or what ? Mimosa: you have proof of account? Mimosa: I had a bad experience ... Sellero: say your nickname ill pm u Mimosa: Erythrina I just pmed him and :dat:
  9. Beware guys, he's scammer... everyday he's playing and leveling but saying it's for sale... so what's the point to level his chars if he's selling it for the same price ? found his other account banned on maxcheaters... offered him middleman services... and so on... :dat:
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