No wipe till winter! Expect 3000 + Players.
XP: 85x
SP: 85x
Adena Drop: 90x
Item drop: 35x
Spoil: 20x
RaidBoss drop: 10x
Quest drop: 10x (not for all)
Quest reward: 4x (not for all)
Party XP rate: 2x
Party SP rate: 2x
Scheme Buffer
Ability to put a password on a character with .password command
Ability to message a clan member when his offline .clanmsg command
Lower GrandBoss Respawn Time
Player Shop to B Grade
Offline Shop/Craft From LVL 55
Mana Potions
Weekly Olympiad
Weekly Siege
Start Date: 14/09/2013 18:00 GMT+3.
I played there and this server balance is most I ever seen, no1 cry on shout or anywhere about balance, archers don't hit 7k like all those other, or daggers 7k.. this is perfect
ps. 1 post you got, another admin?
Client: Interlude
I tried myself with 4 different file editors and they all don't allow me to save.
7065 1 3 0 -1 0 0.000000 0 icon.skill1393 0 0 0 0 -1 -1
7065 1 Anti-Buff Shield Toggle skill that protects you from unwanted buffs.. none none
What I got:
<skill id="9999" levels="1" name="Block Buff">
<set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
<set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>
<set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/>
<set name="castRange" val="-1"/>
<effect count="0x7fffffff" name="ManaDamOverTime" time="5" val="0">
<mul order="0x30" stat="buffVuln" val="0"/>
I added the above to 9900-9999.xml in skills folder. When I add the skill in game I only see a black icon and it doesn't work
Well we don't see a point in opening two great servers at the same time and then players dividing meaning 1k~ go to l2live and 1k~ go to l2midway. So, we decided to make one big server, with way bigger community which would make it more fun for you to play..
Well l2live and l2midway have combined. We decided to use as the main site. As for balance, we are now using new configurations from l2midway, which had over 900 players and didn't receive a single complain about balance.