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Everything posted by MaxTop

  1. MaxTop

    interlude Aaa

  2. WWW.L2NEO.COM Server security from bots (L2Walker, L2Net, L2Tower, etc) provides LameGuard. Security from all kinds of ddos attacks provides HyperFilter.COM Server rates: Xp - 120x Sp - 120x Aden - 70x Drop - 35x Spoil - 35x Quest Reward - 3x Quest Drop - 10x Raidboss Drop - 5x Zero our Reward - 2x Olympiad: Olympiad Starts 18:00 (GMT+2) Olympiad Ends: 24:00 (GMT+2) Hero Changes: Every Sunday 24:00 (GMT+2) Olympiad points have to be exchanged on Sunday Hero Status can be retrieved from Monument of Heroes Enchantment Rates: Max Enchant: +16 Safe Enchant: +4 Simple Scroll: 65% Blessed Scroll: 72% Crystal Scroll: 72% Grand Boss Respawn Time: Valakas: 192 +4 Antharas: 168 +1 Baium: 120 +1 Frintezza: 72 +1 Zaken: 47 +1 Queen Ant: 36 +1 Core: 36 +1 Orfen: 24 +1 Barakiel: 6 +1 Additional Information: 24 Buff Slots + 4 debuff Buff Time 2 hours Class Change 1-25k | 2-100k | 3-1kk Free SubClass Change Fully working RaidBosses/GrandBosses Noblesse with Caradine letter lvl 65 in GM Shop. Global Olympiad Auto Learn Skills Scheme buffer Ideally balanced classes (accomplished in Olympiad environment) WWW.L2NEO.COM
  3. MaxTop

    interlude Aaa

  4. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/44401_726860263998230_346257249_n.jpg
  5. WWW.L2NEO.COM Server successful started with 1000+ Online. You have great chance be a server leader, so get ready and be the one of the first clans since first moment! We hope you will enjoy your stay here. L2NEO EVENTS: Valakas Event: Clan or ally which will kill first VALAKAS, will get free 15 000 CRP and 100 Donate Medals! Valakas Online will be on : 2014-03-01 20:00h (+2GMT) Clan Online Event: Event for CLANS, which have 15 or more players ONLINE! Contact with administrator and your Clan will recieve 10k CRP Voting Event at (February 21th-23th): February 21th - 23th players will get more Event Medals from Voting! 5 more than always! Don`t miss your chance! Giran Castle Event at (March 2): Event for CLANS! First CLAN which takes Aden Castle wins 10k CRP and 100 DM. Giran Castle Siege begins next Saturday (2014-03-02 16:00 +2GMT) Good luck in server WWW.L2NEO.COM Team
  6. MaxTop

    interlude Aaa

    WWW.L2NEO.COM Server successful started with 1000+ Online. You have great chance be a server leader, so get ready and be the one of the first clans since first moment! We hope you will enjoy your stay here. L2NEO EVENTS: Valakas Event: Clan or ally which will kill first VALAKAS, will get free 15 000 CRP and 100 Donate Medals! Valakas Online will be on : 2014-03-01 20:00h (+2GMT) Clan Online Event: Event for CLANS, which have 15 or more players ONLINE! Contact with administrator and your Clan will recieve 10k CRP Voting Event at (February 21th-23th): February 21th - 23th players will get more Event Medals from Voting! 5 more than always! Don`t miss your chance! Giran Castle Event at (March 2): Event for CLANS! First CLAN which takes Aden Castle wins 10k CRP and 100 DM. Giran Castle Siege begins next Saturday (2014-03-02 16:00 +2GMT) Good luck in server WWW.L2NEO.COM Team
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