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About EboLLa

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  1. The server is really cool and everything works like a charm. I just started a few days ago and i really like it. The event helps new players that join now... and i see more and more players online. And lol @Sell with the advertising thing, i saw banners for this server on like 3 or 4 sites.... i wouldn't call that bad advertising.
  2. Ce fac pretenasii ? :D
  3. Tanks are immortal everywhere, but hey, if it's a stucksub then thats the motive. And tanks aren't so immortal anymore but like i said, if you don't like then don't play. @CryStaliN ;)
  4. I don't even know why i am replying to you. Do you even know the difference between a cancel effect and a debuff effect? Touch of death has cancel effect and debuff effect. Cancel was nerfed but the debuff (low cp etc) still works normaly. I already said i won't nerf skills. I am really tired of noobs.
  5. I don't have to be happy cause someone is answering to me, cause i have no problems. I was only saying the obvious. And it isn't about responsibility, it's about the "good" of sharing with others. But if your only for the money then... yea you don't have any responsibility.
  6. In which server tanks aren't good? Anyway, cancel are all nerfed (reuse added and max cancel buffs is 2). Mages now get a boost against tanks... all is getting fixed. I am testing all day long, i don't want to nerf skills.
  7. Salut tuturor.
  8. Well all classes are ok, except mages. I am testing and boosting mages atm so all will be normal. Cancel has now 2 minutes reuse. Tyrant/xx can kill tank rly easy and other classes too, except mages which lets face it, in almost all server tanks kill mages.
  9. Well it's not really ok that you share something and you know it has problems. I fixed some statements and it still not working ok. Players get critical errors only by staying in town and doing nothing, so its not only about the lag. Anyway great system, but if you know how to fix the web-based vote system to really check votes then its the same like this one but it doesn't involve client and server, so its much more better and stable. Cheers.
  10. Now the stacksub system is own race only, for much more better balance.
  11. 1. I haven't made you pay for anything, i told you you can easily make +20 with blessed scrolls, no need to donate. 2. You really can't add items on a pvp server, things like exp and vitality don't have value. 3. No one forces you to play here. Go find server where max enchant is +16 and donate is +20. 4. I will add crystal scrolls at rb's, for players like you that whine for nothing. You didn't even tested the server but you say is hard to make with blesseds and is not ok to be in donors list. Cheers.
  12. Well at the moment they are only at the donators shop. I wanted something for them that can't be obtain in game (yet). If i would have put items +25 and normal max enchant is +20 it was really not good and not nice. So i choose to make crystal scrolls only for donors. Enchant with blessed (and it is really easy to buy them) is 85%, so you can easily make +20 without crystal scrolls. Some people already have +20 since its not a farm server. Maybe later i will make crystal scroll drop at special raid bosses or dunno.
  13. Yes, you are right. It was my mistake. You are unbanned. There was a small bug at dual swords SA. Again i apologize! You can log in.
  14. I banned you cause you used bugs, it`s fixed now anyway. And i catch you and you say you don't use anything, even thou i see your char skills and all.
  15. You take hero (and points) on the class that you play... It won't be unbalanced, you will, it will be much more better then allowing own race and only a few classes will shine. This way there are a lot of good combos!
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