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Everything posted by skechagias

  1. Hello Trance and thank you for your answer! With the border I am ok! Made it.. About the GrandBoss, there is no .py file in the data > scripts > ai > individual (where there are located others .py files of the other bosses) Maybe this is the source of the problem? Should I try another GrandBoss from the one's there are on my pack already?
  2. Seems veeery very interesting! Server has cool features! Prototyping codes and much much more! I am excited, for real! This post should be followed! We do not have to lose the grand opening! Good Luck to you Glorious PVP and keep us up to date with your news!
  3. Can you step by step tell me what to do please? Respawn time in Naqvicat is in secons or milliseconds? for example : for 1h respawn time I set 3600 or 3600000 ??
  4. 2 of 4 problems : Solved! The reward changes from the Database via Navicat, and yeah I am using L2jFrozen. No reward information exists in the configs/.properties files! Thank you ExCaLiBuR Thank you SweeTs! Fianally, made my High LS stackable! The reason is that I have an High LS Farm Area and I found it bad to full up your inventory with High LS (every mob drops min 1 max 2) Problem Existing : Raid Boss I want to have my Custom RB spawned in my Custom RB Area every 2h after it's death (respawn time) and the Boss Manager to say that it is alive when it is! Now, there is no boss in my server spawned and the Boss Managers says it is alive! LOL
  5. Hello everyone. I have 4 questions. 1) (SOS) How to set respawn time for my custom boss and spawnlist? First of all, boss is in Valakas Clan. In Navicat when I search in database for my custom boss the results are only npcskills, grandboss_data, character_raid_points and droplist.. BUT NO SPAWNLIST! Every time I Restart the server the Boss is gone! Althought, the crazy thing is that the Boss Manager says that my boss is Alive! :o I am so comfused with this... What can I do so to finally have my boss spawned in the x,y,z location I want AND the Boss Manager say it is Alive when it is AND the respawn time for the boss to be 2h??? Also, the respawn time is set from the navicat? if yes then how? In the grandboss_data I have respawn time 10800000. How much time is this? 2) How can I edit my HTM file on ServerInfo NPC to make a table like this picture I found online? http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=ru7c46&s=5#.VBj7PfmSy30 3) How do I change the reward from the CTF,DM,TVT automatic events? Which file should I edit? (Solved) 4) How can I make Life Stones and Book of Giants stackable items??? I mean, 100 Life Stones of BOGs = 1 slot and NO 100! (like Adena, Soulshots etc) I tried to put in Navicat in the LS consume_type : stackable It worked but the problem is, the number of the ls I had was not shown! My 100 LS had only 1 slot but I couldn't see how many I had... I could only drop 1 each time and I could only delete 1 each time! That is what I want to fix! (Solved) Thank you for your time! Savvas
  6. Thank you all for the help! Old images are successfully removed. Creating and importing my image now! Problem : Solved Request : Lock
  7. Thank you all for the Information. I guess I am gonna use this guide right here to make my own image (.utx file) and import it. But, what about if i want to completely remove the images from the edited client and the Gatekeeper? I guess I edit the server_help.htm file in the l2text folder and just remove these line of code ? <img src="Sek.cbui371" width=280 height=1> <img src="L2XeonTex.1" width="250" height="132"/> <img src="Sek.cbui371" width=280 height=1> and the same for the teleporter's .htm file?
  8. Ok Thug!! But what about the Gatekeeper's HTML file? Could I change the image in the NPC's chat? I tried to find these images but I couldn't... I am so stuck!
  9. Hello everyone. I am looking for some help! First and most important is: How can I change this picture in the login screen? The same picture exists in the Gatekeeper chat too..! In the gatekeepers HTML there is these line of code : <img src="Sek.cbui371" width=280 height=1> <img src="l2xeontex.1" width="250" height="132"/> <img src="Sek.cbui371" width=280 height=1> but, I do not know there to find these pics and how to change them..!! PLEASE PEOPLE, help me!
  10. Hello mate and thank you for answer! Can you give me some more information in that? I would be so thankful... If you can, send me a PM so we can talk!
  11. Hello guys... I was playing in a server named L2-DarkWorld IL which is new. The server has a general vote system (every 10 votes all the server takes a Vote Coin) and an auto Event System with winners gift a Glit Medal. Server is new so players couldn't have many vote coins or glits. One night, a player (looking like bot) makes me trade and gives me and to other five players 20.000 glits and 5.000 Vote Coins..! We all asked him how he did that and he said : l2phx dupe.. Then he disconnected and we never saw him again... I am looking like crazy for a way to multiplay my items like him in IL servers with the l2phx 3.5....! Please people, I am begging you, someone help me.... LF Dupe items way, like crazy.... Thank you for your support. Best to you!
  12. gia anoigma server se linux mporw na diavasw kai na ma8w.. den einai 8ema... dhladh se kapoio net de ginetai etsi?
  13. Geia sas melh tou maxcheaters! O Server mou einai sxedon etoimos pleon... Mono to "shkwma" emeine! Psaxnw loipon gia enan fthino dedicated server kai thelw na ma8w an kapoios mporei na me voh8hsei, na mou dosei merikes protaseis kai ta loipa.. O Server 8a shkwnei gia prwto stadio gurw sta 60-100 atoma (oxi polla).. an paei kala epekteinomai kai se akrivoteres idees! Arxika, skefthka na rwthsw an ginetai na shkw8ei apo ena kalo net ths polhs, na rwthsw px ton upeu8yno na mou paraxwrhsei ena pc kai na ton douleuw ekei.. einai kalh idea? exei elpides gia auto to ligo pou zhtaw se prwto stadio? Epeita, an de ginetai kati tetoioi parakalw doste mou merikes protaseis gia enoikiash dedicated server! Euxaristw ek twn proterwn!
  14. file mou uperpolitimh h voh8eia sou!! 8a to dokimasw etsi opws eipes kai an exw provlhma 8a se kanw add :D
  15. Geia sou file mou kai euxaristw gia thn apanthsh..!! :) Dhladh enas sovaros server de sthnetai se ena net? Konta sto spiti pou menw uparxei ena megalo net tou opoiou oi upef8unoi einai gnwstoi mou.. an tous elega na mou dosoun enan upologisth gia na ton kanw server logika 8a dexontan... me auto ton tropo ginetai?
  16. Geia sas paidia... Exw ksekinhsei kai ftiaxnw enan server ston diko mou proswpiko upologisth... exw valei diafora npc pou exw vrei sto internet k edw, edw kanei edit polla pragmata.. mporw na pw pws o server einai sxedon etoimos na anevei! Wstoso, exw mia aporia... Egw proswpika den exw skopo na exw anoixto olh mera to laptop sto opoio douleua ton server, oute kai exw to grhgorotero internet gia na stiriksw ton server! 8elw loipon o server mou na kratietai online p.x se ena internet cafe Auto pou 8elw na rwthsw einai : ginetai kati tetoio? kai an nai.. tote pws? pws metaferw ton fakelo pou onomazetai server? to MySQL kai ola auta? An kserei kaneis eilikrina as apanthsei giati me vasanizei polu auth h erwthsh...
  17. πως και πως περιμενω τα νεα σου npc φίλε μου! με το που ανεβασεις ειδοποιησε με!
  18. Egine! Euxaristw polu gia tis plhrofories paidia!
  19. Logika ennoeis to l2jfrozen-core Exectutable Jar File mesa ston fakelo lib pou uparxei stous fakelous loginserver kai gameserver?
  20. Xairete melh tou MaxCheaters! Tis proalles uphrkse ena 8emataki me ena topic pou ekana sxetika me to an ginetai na perasw java codes se ena pre-compiled pack... H apanthsh arxika htan oxi alla uphr3e mia diafwnia meta3u twn gnwstidwn sto antikeimeno! Enas elege oxi..Enas elege nai! 8a parakalousa kapoion pou pragmatika na kserei na kanei ena kalo Guide sxetika me thn olh diadikasia! Ap oso epsa3a den uparxei kati analogo opote pi8anotata 8a epivravevotan me +1 gi auto ka8ws 8ewrwww pws polloi apo emas exoun pre-compiled packs kai 8a 8elan kapoia stigmh na perasoun java codes! H idea einai oloklhrotika dikh mou kai parakalw opoios exei thn oreksi na ftia3ei auto to guide! P.X Na parei to precompiled pack tou L2j Frozen kai na to kanei de-compile wste na doume k emeis oi Newbies pws ginetai auto! Euxaristw polu olous tous anagnwstes!!
  21. Sto sugkekrimeno paradeigma einai CHANCE = 200 Giati omws? loipon, skepsou san na exw ton ma8hmatiko typo Drop Rate x CHANCE = 1.000.000 Ara CHANCE = 1000000 / Drop Rate! Ara an Drop Rate = x1 tote CHANCE=1000000 (MAX) KAI An drop rate = 1000 tote CHANCE = 1000000 / 1000 = 1000 ;) Omoiws vgazeis kai ta upoloipa! :D Eukolo etsi?
  22. What mobile phone you think is best guys? ;)
  23. Geia sas kai pali paidia! :) 8a prospa8hsw na saw deiksw pws na ftiaksete mia farm zone me apla vhmatakia! 1) pame me ton Admin Char mas sto meros pou 8eloume gia farm zonr (einai adeio ws twra) 2) Patame //admin gia na vgei to admin panel 3) Pame sto button Spawn kai vriskoume to mob pou 8eloume na exei h farm zone p.x Ketra Orc Scout level-78 4) Exoume patimeno to Shift apo to plhktrologio kai patame aristero click sto mob 8a vgoun oi plhrofories tou mob... 5) Patame "Show DropList" 6) kanoume delete ta drop pou exei me to koumpaki d e l pou uparxei terma deksia sthn droplist! 7) Afou ta diagrapsoume ola 8a doume ena button "Add DropData" To patame! 8 ) Twra as sumplhrwsoume p.x na rixnei 100-200 Ancient Adena Vriskoume to ID twn Ancient Adena (eite apo Navicat>etcitems eite apo Google Search) [to id tous einai 5575] Opote grafw ID 5575 MIN 100 MAX 200 Sto CATEGORY 8a valw 0 (mhden) giati einai to prwto item sthn drop list! An 8elw na valw 2-3 pragmata 8a valw sto 2o DropData CATEGORY 1 meta 2 kai sunexizw etsi! CHANCE (0-1000000) [EDW DOSTE PROSOXH] An 8elw na petaei ta items 100% tote, AN EXW DROP RATE STA CONFIG x1 tote 8a valw CHANCE 1000000 (MAX) An omws exw Drop Rate sta config x1000 tote 8a valw CHANCE 1000 ME APLA LOGIA OSA MHDENIKA EXW STO DROP RATE TOSA AFAIRW APO TO 1000000 ;) AN, EPISHS, EXW DROP RATE TYXAIO P.X x2200 TOTE UPARXEI O APLOS TYPOS GIA NA MI MPERDEUOMAI Drop Rate x CHANCE = 1.000.000 Ara, CHANCE = 1.000.000 / Drop Rate 9) twra ftiaxnw ena Macro (Alt+R) to spawn tou mob grafontas sto macro //spawn (mob's id) kai to vazw sth mpara gia na to pataw me eukolia! 10) Paw sth farm zone kai th gemizw me auto to mob! :) Eukolo etsi? ;) Credits to me! Sas euxaristw gia thn anagnwsh!
  24. File mou an endiaferesai eimai edw! Ftiaxnw kai egw ton diko mou interlude PvP x5000 Server kai exw ma8ei arketa pragmata... An 8eleis se voh8aw kai me diafora NPCs kai codes pou exw vrei edw! Epikoinwnise mazi mou an 8es eite edw se PM Epishs, Gmail gia Google Talk : skechagias1@gmail.com Skype : savvas.kechagias Opote 8eleis, an 8eleis milame!
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