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About angel4ever

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  1. hello admins, hello other ppl :) i started in www.l2osiris.com server and i wanted a l2walker but.. i saw this in site "We want to mention about walker/l2phx. L2Walker and L2phc (L2PacketHack) are forbiden. And your accounts will instantly banned if you use them. " is this true? if it is, is there any way 2 pass their protection??? if is not, id like 2 ask for a walker for l2osiris, you will help me much. Thanks.<3
  2. its not sh1t, it works gr8 good post <3
  3. try more times it will work if u dont recive something with account " Password does not match this account. Confirm your account information and log in again later. " => it will work :)
  4. 1st of all good share!! i used it until u posted.. but 2day it gives me an error : "17:37:24 Password does not match this account. Confirm your account information and log in again later. 17:37:24 ->Login LoginServer Fail." i tryed with normal cliend and account works.. can u tell me whats the problem? =|. It will be gr8 tyvm again :P
  5. hi everyone i play on l2paradise.. is there some1 who know and wanna share with us some adena / enchanting bugs on this server. I hope there is :P Thanks.
  6. this may be usefull thanks
  7. which server u tryed this exploit ???
  8. Hi everyone! first of all u will need L2_FileEdit. As u see here are Enchants Efect ! [EnchantEffect] CubeTexName=LineageEffectsTextures.Etc.Enchant_Aura001_Shader01 HeroWeaponTex=LineageEffectsTextures.Hero.Hero_Aura001_Shader01 HeroAuraTex=LineageEffectsTextures.Hero.Hero_Aura000_Shader00 HeroAuraMesh=LineageWeapons.rangesample EnchantMeshShow=4 EnchantEffectShow=7 Enchant0=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant1=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant2=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant3=(R1=0,G1=30,B1=255,R2=0,G2=40,B2=215,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant4=(R1=30,G1=30,B1=40,R2=20,G2=20,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant5=(R1=35,G1=45,B1=60,R2=25,G2=35,B2=50,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant6=(R1=35,G1=65,B1=90,R2=25,G2=55,B2=75,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant7=(R1=40,G1=87,B1=126,R2=30,G2=70,B2=110,Opacity=0.4,Num=0.3) Enchant8=(R1=30,G1=80,B1=135,R2=20,G2=60,B2=120,Opacity=0.5,Num=0.6) Enchant9=(R1=20,G1=70,B1=145,R2=10,G2=50,B2=130,Opacity=0.6,Num=0.7) Enchant10=(R1=10,G1=60,B1=160,R2=0,G2=45,B2=140,Opacity=0.7,Num=0.8) Enchant11=(R1=0,G1=50,B1=180,R2=0,G2=44,B2=155,Opacity=0.8,Num=0.9) Enchant12=(R1=0,G1=40,B1=200,R2=0,G2=43,B2=170,Opacity=0.9,Num=1) Enchant13=(R1=0,G1=30,B1=220,R2=0,G2=42,B2=185,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant14=(R1=0,G1=30,B1=240,R2=0,G2=41,B2=200,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant15=((R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant16=(R1=160,G1=20,B1=20,R2=130,G2=10,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant17=(R1=200,G1=200,B1=0,R2=0,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant18=(R1=200,G1=200,B1=0,R2=200,G2=200,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant19=(R1=0,G1=200,B1=200,R2=0,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant20=(R1=0,G1=200,B1=200,R2=0,G2=200,B2=200,Opacity=1,Num=1) ;custom colors Enchant21=(R1=200,G1=0,B1=200,R2=0,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=0.8,Num=1) Enchant22=(R1=200,G1=0,B1=200,R2=200,G2=0,B2=200,Opacity=0.8,Num=1) Enchant23=(R1=114,G1=254,B1=0,R2=0,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=0.8,Num=1) Enchant24=(R1=114,G1=254,B1=0,R2=114,G2=254,B2=0,Opacity=0.8,Num=1) Enchant25=(R1=100,G1=15,B1=65,R2=100,G2=15,B2=65,Opacity=0.8,Num=0.8) Enchant26=(R1=153,G1=90,B1=0,R2=153,G2=90,B2=0,Opacity=0.9,Num=0.9) Enchant27=(R1=222,G1=147,B1=250,R2=222,G2=147,B2=255,Opacity=0.6,Num=0.9) Enchant28=(R1=222,G1=147,B1=250,R2=222,G2=147,B2=255,Opacity=0.7,Num=0.9) Enchant29=(R1=222,G1=147,B1=250,R2=222,G2=147,B2=255,Opacity=0.8,Num=0.9) Enchant40=(R1=222,G1=147,B1=250,R2=222,G2=147,B2=255,Opacity=0.5,Num=0.5) Enchant=(R1=10,G1=11,B1=12,R2=12,G2=11,B2=10,Opacity=.9,Num=1) ex: if i have a wep +3 and i try 2 change this: Enchant3=(R1=0,G1=30,B1=255,R2=0,G2=40,B2=215,Opacity=1,Num=1) with Enchant16 one after ill save and encrypt IG my wep + 3 will glow like +16 one? make me understand pls and correct me if i made mistakes THANKS ;)
  9. this is kinda hlapex or smth?
  10. when i try 2 load l2walker on l2exion server.. it gives me an fail error :( do you know why? leave post plx Thanks :)
  11. dont think so.. btw i know this bug and it works :)
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