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Everything posted by johnzoulou

  1. I have char with dragonic set +4 /angel slayer crt.damage/tateosian set /deamon circlet/3 EWS / 300kk / dc robe set / som acoumen +4/the char is dager human 77lvl/ and i have buffer 66 lvl for buffs :) i want to trade for items to l2gold or real money the server url is www.isogames.com my msn is zoulou_tumpaki@hotmail.com or post here
  2. the link not work fixed it plz
  3. now and pvp/pk manager and changer sex thnx :)
  4. if you fix skils stats you give effect
  5. i do it but nothing interesting
  6. np guys i test to my server work ONLY to emu pack :)
  7. 1) i want tatoo to work .......(e.g tatto of avadon give you c.speed etc....)because the site to download have deleted 2) enyone can post epic jewelary because the site to download have deleted 3)and skins for sites i search but is not work :S
  8. Now and Others good event
  9. :O modie nice perase apo to tympaki na ta poume re man tha me bris sto cinemania rikse to onoma giannis kai tha sou poune :P
  10. Now IS Up
  11. The Server Have New ADons: *Costum GK *Costum Buffer with ( hero buffs,nobles buff,prophet buffs,warcryer bufs,summon buffs,cubics,Overlord bufs and other good bufs) *Event With Jail manager *Event Play with fire *Event medals *RB Event *Summon Buffs With (hero buf,nobles buff,prophet bufs,warcryer bufs,summon bufs ,cubics,Overlord bufs and other bufs) *Bufs 2 hours *Costum GM SHOP *Wedding Priest *Unsealer *life stone trader *Gold bar Trader *Npc Announcer *Donator buffer(With all costums buffs) *Donator Summon Buffs(With all costums buffs) *Crafter manager *Kamael Armor *Kamael Weapons *Epic Armor *Epic Weapons *Jedi Weapons *Costums Duals[move]Rates and others[/move] *Rates: x6000[xp] x6000[sp] x2500[adena] x1[drop\spoil] *Enchant : Safe+10 \ Max +35 \ Rate Enchant: 85% /Crystal Scrol:90% and Blessed Scrol : 100% Server No have Lagg [move]Patch[/move] *DownLoad System:Mirror1:http://rapidshare.com/files/73110626/system_l2tympaki.rar Mirror2:https://secure.logmein.com/f?AM69hjPc.QEg98skI-xiSGdU2M0f64HKCx3ecr09qJC
  12. i want cov , pof ,pow and summon bufs for 2 hours plz ......
  13. enyone can create 1 npc who talk and tel i wan to be nobles and must give caradine letter because in my server the nobles quest no work .......
  14. The Server Have New ADons: *Costum GK *Costum Buffer with ( hero buffs,nobles buff,prophet buffs,warcryer bufs,summon buffs,cubics,Overlord bufs and other good bufs) *Event With Jail manager *Event Play with fire *Event medals *RB Event *Summon Buffs With (hero buf,nobles buff,prophet bufs,warcryer bufs,summon bufs ,cubics,Overlord bufs and other bufs) *Bufs 2 hours *Costum GM SHOP *Wedding Priest *Unsealer *life stone trader *Gold bar Trader *Npc Announcer *Donator buffer(With all costums buffs) *Donator Summon Buffs(With all costums buffs) *Crafter manager [move]Rates and others[/move] *Rates: x6000[xp] x6000[sp] x2500[adena] x1[drop\spoil] *Enchant : Safe+10 \ Max +35 \ Rate Enchant: 85% /Crystal Scrol:90% and Blessed Scrol : 100% Server No have Lagg [move]Patch[/move] *DownLoad System:Mirror1:http://rapidshare.com/files/73110626/system_l2tympaki.rar Mirror2:https://secure.logmein.com/f?AM69hjPc.QEg98skI-xiSGdU2M0f64HKCx3ecr09qJC
  15. [move]the server now is good have a lot events and other come and see with no lagg[/move]
  16. pack is like kiler (don't want navicat and mysql) and i want to insert other gm shop but who know to help me ?
  17. i have server with start and stop and i want to insert sql file i can do that ?
  18. no Now i fixed come and see
  19. safe +10 max +35 enchant rate 85% [move]THE SERVER IS OPEN LOG IN AND SEE[/move]
  20. aloz new pvp server is open today at 21:00 mm server is x6000[xp],x6000[sp],x1[drop\spoil],Weapons max +35 Safe +10 85% enchant rate REMEMBER the server is NEW [move]Patch[/move] Miror:http://rapidshare.com/files/73110626/system_l2tympaki.rar
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