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Everything posted by Loverboy

  1. sorry for posting this again but i've had enough of the greedy bastards on l2x with red weapons lol..so tell me if i'm doing something wrong..i run l2phx, i tick adena.txt, i load the game, i go to a grocery store in oren, i buy 1 dye for 13800 adena, i buy 1000 more for the same price, i delete 1 of them, i sell to the npc for a lower price...nothing happens...am i doing something wrong ? (l2x uses gameguard)..i tried the script with hlapex..same thing happens..
  2. i have a problem with it on l2x..anyone was able to successfully exploit it ? i run l2phx, i tick adena.txt, i load the game, i go to a grocery store in oren, i buy 1 dye for 13800 adena, i buy 1000 more for the same price, i delete 1 of them, i sell to the npc for a lower price...nothing happens...am i doing something wrong ? (l2x uses gameguard)..i tried the script with hlapex..same thing happens..
  3. i have a problem with it on l2x..anyone was able to successfully exploit it ? i run l2phx, i tick adena.txt, i load the game, i go to a grocery store in oren, i buy 1 dye for 13800 adena, i buy 1000 more for the same price, i delete 1 of them, i sell to the npc for a lower price...nothing happens...am i doing something wrong ? (l2x uses gameguard)..i tried the script with hlapex..same thing happens..
  4. they use a modified gameguard..BoTGoD uses something called LA2Guard that costs 399 $ ( http://la2guard.com/ ).. anyway their gameguard is not the ncsoft one..this one auto-updates from la2guard.nichost.ru..i can even give you the HTTP query it does when it starts the game..<usual gameguard emulation path> .. i need to figure out where the gameguard update location is and modify it for a bypass/emulation..i'd say GameGuard.des but i'm not sure..don't have the tools for that..i heard HanDes.dll can work with that.. anyway..Abstract told me that they've disabled almost all logging due to over 60 GB logs/week so you can try to own the server safely :PP..have fun..own them.. too many vG noobs with full raid jewels there anway..
  5. i have a problem with it on l2x..anyone was able to successfully exploit it ? i run l2phx, i tick adena.txt, i load the game, i go to a grocery store in oren, i buy 1 dye for 13800 adena, i buy 1000 more for the same price, i delete 1 of them, i sell to the npc for a lower price...nothing happens...am i doing something wrong ? (l2x uses gameguard)..i tried the script with hlapex..same thing happens..
  6. i'd really appreciate it if someone sent me a pm with the post..i'm a newb member around here and i'm curious what this bug is about...maybe i'll share some enchant tricks i found with you guys ;) thanks in advance.
  7. coool .. i was wondering how people do it.. ::)
  8. works to see who deleted you..just tested.
  9. i don't think it'll work.. ;)
  10. WTB english translation ;)
  11. nice share...you should try Absinthe too
  12. WTB english
  13. nah..useless..you could use Tor or something as well..if you wanna change your IP use a socks 5 and with Sockscap32 start lineage 2..etc...etc..it's easy..if you need more details pm me..
  14. russian version of hlapex..same stuff ;)
  15. nice nice..cool share..let's hope it works on l2x reborn
  16. xD...bless the body rox..and focus..from the B grade staffs..staff of spirits or something..just cast blessing of noblesse cause that's a fast cast while having blessed spiritshots used.. it's gonna cast both buffs :P ;)
  17. http://lineage2.plaync.co.kr/pds/client.asp ... and use google.com/translate or some translator for the download button..
  18. i don't think it means anything xD..i thought it's 6 characters long
  19. this is just the russian version of hlapex..it does the same stuff..and if hlapex won't work..this won't work either..
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