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About Incred

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  1. yes its on
  2. thanks mate last 10 min for grand opening get be ready. dont be late :P
  3. Hello Everyone, After a long break from L2 , we really missed you guys and decided to come back and create one of the best L2 server out there. Thanks to everyone who welcomed us again and whom also supported us for the past years in our L2 projects. Even though we left L2 for some time we always loved and missed the game while playing various other games. Thanks for welcoming us back. Account manager is up so u may create new accounts. HERE You will have to download new patch. HERE =chucky= Check current Time in GMT+2 Zone http://wwp.greenwich...one/gmt-plus-2/ Server Features: Chronicle : Interlude / C6 Experience Rate : 150x Adena Rate : 50x Website: http://www.l2-key.com Rest of the features could be found at :http://forum.l2-key.com/index.php?/topic/3-instant-features/ Forums:http://forum.l2-key.com/ We would be happy to answer your questions under this topic also :) Welcome to L2 Key, Let the PvP begin...
  4. Hello folks today 20:00 GMT+2 we are going LIVE. All accounts have been wiped from beta. Account manager is up so u may create new accounts. HERE You will have to download new patch. HERE =chucky= Check current Time in GMT+2 Zone http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/gmt-plus-2/
  5. here you go;
  6. Hello folks we decided to delay grand opening to be 100% ready! We dont want leave any space for failure and finaly bring you a decent server that will last. We will go live this saturday (14.3.) 20:00 GMT +2 Call your friends and enemies and prepare for real L2 that u been missing since old times. thanks for patience. -Chucky
  7. yes, we think about it . we'll announce good news about server tonight. Stay on track.
  8. just weapons are copied from there but , sublimity is not just one who used this weapons.
  9. yep i was liked there.
  10. you're very welcome >:D
  11. sorry for downtimes mysql was crashed forum is up .
  12. cool story great brain :))
  13. Hello Everyone, After a long break from L2 , we really missed you guys and decided to come back and create one of the best L2 server out there. Thanks to everyone who welcomed us again and whom also supported us for the past years in our L2 projects. Even though we left L2 for some time we always loved and missed the game while playing various other games. Thanks for welcoming us back. We choose to run an Interlude client because we believe its one of the best chronicles in the series of L2. This thought was supported by most of our friends. The features will be like our previous mid-rate servers. We believe we can provide you guys with the mid-rate Interlude server. You can find detailed information at our features section. There are new additions to the staff and some people you might already know but everyone who is in staff have an experience with either running their own server or being an administrator. Detailed information can be found at staff section. The server will be opened in March 13th, exact ETA will be given in few days. Server Features: Chronicle : Interlude / C6 Experience Rate : 150x Adena Rate : 50x Website: http://www.l2-key.com(design is not ready yet ) Rest of the features could be found at :http://forum.l2-key.com/index.php?/topic/3-instant-features/ Forums:http://forum.l2-key.com/ We would be happy to answer your questions under this topic also :) Welcome to L2 Key, Let the PvP begin...
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