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Posts posted by otinane...

  1. haha, and who said im not playing l2 lol.. im started l2 from C4  you think i dont know how is this "old good"


    its  just your idea "old school" player.. old chronicle sux, well mostly owners of that server failed than chronicle loled

    told you why "old times" was good, just cuz none cry for bots or bugs or smthing, thats why..less drama


    keep hoping for that server, but you are brasil you dont know is dead..its not before many years that all kids

    and play on server with low online..high online or it gonna close..none wanna waste time on sh1ts..oh wait, you will waste time..haha


    HOPE Moar kids for a dead server

  2. oh sir, you are retarded rly,why you joined since you knew that it not gonna last more than 2weeks..


    ye "good old times" there no exist, just you are brasils.. it was "good old times" cuz ppls didnt knew what is bug and what is not ..and not QQ like now..or bots that was working everywhere any bot..and none qq

    offline times

    its 2013 ppls are not brain damaged anymore like you


    dont be mad cuz im saying the truth "old school player" (suuureee)

  3. this guy is an example. server is dead, and sux but this "oldschool guy" will stay tilll it CLOSE




    what a retarded, tell me more!


    its not my prob you dont ACCEPT that server is dead


    MAX 1 Week


    accept or die hoping

  4. you gonna cry on start  farming for subclass Q/nobless Q while donators will have them, vesper from first hour too


    i remember from their last mid rate that ruskies donate vesper while others still on A grade :)

  5. every day it  failing even harder and still some ppls flaming other ppls that leaves or say the truth about server on their forum, haha loled, they are dreaming that serv will be  "amazing one"


    they are so desperate

  6. sorry to dissapoint you but ppls were enjoying those times before years when they didnt knew what is bug and what is not

    they were not crying like now "OMG BUG, MY PET HAVE 1100 PATTACK, IT SHOULD HAVE 1120"


    its 2013,ppls are not that stupid anymore to join on a serv non organisated like before


    MAX 1.5Week

  7. Who asked for your opinion? Why are you even here if you don't like this project?

    You should get dekarma for your endless spam!

    dont quote me if you dont care for my opinion kid


    not my fault you cant accept that server failing and soon will close


    only brain damaged kids plays there now

  8. why on this post says x1 rates?


    on site is this



    天堂2 77服亚丁王座 打造国内最长久稳定,绿色,免费的服务器

    EXP * 15

    SP  *  10

    金币*  30

    一般掉落*  10

    首领掉落*  10

    矮人回收*  8 

    任务报酬*  3(全局任务掉落道具,经验,提倡大家做任务)

    安全强化+ 5



    仿官方耐玩设计 并开放PK/PVP





    « 上一页 | 下一页 »



  9. I hate it when people call me hater just for posting my opinion about a server, but this is ridiculous! We got a brainless kid flaming all the time and moderators do nothing about it, not even dekarma!!! Posting "I'm happy server's failing" just because he doesn't like the chronicle, wtf...

    why should i get dekarma/cuz i say the truth that server failing? use brain and ofc, why not to be happy for fail servers to fail?

    use brain man

  10. server every day crashes, forum full of QQ

    from 1.6k to 1k


    QQ im so happy this server failing every day more and more

    who da fak gonna play on this crap c5, even if didnt had  crashes still it faill

    its 2013 stop dreaming  c5 its bad chronicle that moment

    "oldschool players" haha ye sure

    im feel sad for those who donated there, and even more for those who donated and got scammed (loled)


    no chances, i give max 2weeks, or wait..2weeks looks too long..like 1week is enought

    once again

    QQ Fail server  and QQ for tards that joined on first day and donated and now they see what crap server

    this is one more reason why donate is bad first day, mby first day server stable and you donate as hell and from next day it fails

    admin alrdy got enought money im sure :) 



  11. tell a name lol, and if u know a sh1t abt l2j, u cant edit char skill w/o affectiong all other chars that have same skill.

    copy/paste skill (add new ID and new range) and done how hard it can be



  12. nigga pls, im just saying that server with donate first classes on start on a low rate x7 c5 and so old game that ppls so much...  dont have future for sure

    if it was for h5 then ok  since its easy client, but you cant add this donates on c5

    and they dont even care for antibot protection..


    they care only for donate protection :troll:

  13. Your life is really sad.

    not more than your, you gonna cry you wasted  so much time on that crappy server without  even antibot protection, and donate from first minute, and donate section on forum  LOLED


    guys, you are so bad, i feel so sad for you seriously..

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