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Everything posted by Shawtex

  1. All Chars & 1,8kkk+ for 30€ in total! Pm me here or add me on Skype: Shawtex
  2. New special Price added. 1,7b Adena for 50€
  3. He tried to scam me aswell. He said he is using Paypal protection methode but I havent heard about it so I googled for it. It was a scam obviously and I removed him from Skype. Same tactic with invoice.
  4. New Price, time to sell out!
  5. Hello, selling Adena on L2 e-Global Gracia Final. Discount List: 35m = 1€ 1,5b = 40€ 1,8b = 60€ 30€ Lowest Price! Also selling accounts: - Destroyer 77 5€ (including Great Wolf + wep/armor) - Warcryer 76 5€ (naked) - Tyrant 76 5€ (naked) Pm me here on Maxcheaters or add me on skype: Shawtex SOLD OUT thank you
  6. Due to some real life issues I have to sell everything fast. New and final price for the whole list. EVERYTHING: 120€ Good for re-seller.
  7. Selling following Characters / Items on server : http://l2e-global.com/ Characters: - Destroyer Level 77 50% 20€ - Warcryer Level 76 25 20€ - Tyrant Level 76 20€ - Bounty Hunter Level 73 15€ - Shilien Elder Level 71 15€ - Blade Dancer Level 68 15€ - Arbalester Level 67 10€ - Swordsinger Level 66 10€ - Prophet Level 64 81% 10€ All Chars coming with email + PIN. Items: - Heaven's Divider Focus 150Fire 40€ - Tallum Heavy Set unsealed15€ - 120kk adena 10€ - Top B duals - 220 e-Coins Vouches: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/206219-l2-neo-itemsdrac-bow-7adenachars/?do=findComment&comment=2583952 Add me on Skype: Shawtex Only accepting PayPal.
  8. New Highlight: :not bad: -> Draconic Bow Focus+7 SOLD
  9. Big update. -> Draconic Bow Focus +6 20€ SOLD
  10. Update. 2x Draconic bow clean sold 2x Arcana Mace clean sold 1x Arcana Mace Acumen sold 1x Saint Spear Health sold 1x Heaven's Divider clean sold
  11. Updated Adena Price. New Price 0,40€ per 100k instead of 0,50€! Discount list: 100k = 0,40€ 1kkk = 4,00€ 10kkk = 35€
  12. 6.5kkk sold. New Stock: 12kkk
  13. Updated List. Items: - 1x Saint Spear Health NEW - 1x Arcana Mace Acumen +4 NEW - 1x Draconic Bow Focus NEW - 2x Arcana Mace Clean NEW - 2x Draconic Bow Clean NEW - 1x Heaven's Divider Clean NEW - DC Robe Set +4430 NEW - Tateossian Jewel Set NEW Added
  14. 3kkk sold. Still 7kkk++ on stock right now.
  15. Skype: anwnimos2 is a Scammer. Please care.
  16. Hello, Selling Adena/Chars on L2 Neo ( http://l2neo.com ). Discount list: 100kk = 0,50 € 0,30 € NEW PRICE ! SOLD OUT 1kkk = 5,00 € 3,00 € NEW PRICE ! SOLD OUT 10kkk = 50,00 € 25,00 € NEW PRICE ! SOLD OUT (Cheapest around. If not, send me proof and ill go cheaper) Items: - Draconic Bow Focus +7 35€ SOLD - DC Robe Set +4430 NEW 3€ SOLD - Tateossian Jewel Set NEW 8€ SOLD Sold Items: - 1x Saint Spear Health NEW 5€ SOLD - 1x Arcana Mace Acumen +4 NEW 10€​ SOLD - 1x Arcana Mace Clean NEW 5€ ​SOLD - 2x Draconic Bow Clean NEW ​SOLD - 1x Heaven's Divider Clean NEW 5€​ SOLD - 1x Draconic Bow Focus +6 20€ SOLD Chars: - 80 Titan 2x - 80 Spoiler - 79 Crafter (all 100x mats recs) doing 300 - 500kk daily on crafts - 80 Sword Muse - 80 Spectral Dancer - 80 Doomcryer - 80 Cardinal - 80 Arcana lord - 80 Stormscreamer Gear: All in Top B grade 3€ per Char or 15€ for all ( Full Bot Party, doing 1b adena per day) SOLD Highlight: - 80 Dreadnaught Noble, 80 Cardinal sub, 80 Mystic Muse sub *Premium Buffer* 15€ -> Char has no items. Discount on Adena possible if you will buy this char. SOLD Only accepting PayPal, not going first anymore. We can do middleman or you trust me. add me in skype: shawtex or pm me here on forum
  17. Thanks all :) Out of Stock for now. 234kk sold for 0,32€ per 1kk Btw Thanks Phantomhive2k13 for the bumps :)
  18. Btw I am up for a trade via an official middleman from maxcheaters. 50/50 sharing with the costs.
  19. Proofs or leave this thread to the mature people which are using this platform as it is used for. You told me u cant use Family and friends and sent me a Screenshot (faked obviously..) where it wasnt listed. So I gave it a try..But wont happen again...
  20. 61kk Sold for 0,40€ per 1kk Thanks for your Trust.
  21. New Stock 220kk, discount options are listed.
  22. Be happy with ur new char dude... maybe paypal will be on my side. your refund is 50/50 chance. ofc this char is on your acc + email, cuz we transfered it. Get real. You just want to destroy my reputation while you are afraid of getting reported. And btw, I sold Adena to one guy 75kk and obviously not for 10€ so keep trolling you fool. Bring up proofs, for example chat conversation or die in a carfire.
  23. Phantomhive2k13 is the scammer... Check the Post http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/205954-l2-classicclub-3x-65-pr/?p=2581536&do=findComment&comment=2581536 for proofs just pm me. Already made some successful trades in the past.
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