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About eXitus

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  1. Hello guys i want to play with L2Walker OOG on L2Luna i did find out the Token the IP the Offset but i still cannot connect to the server. This is a C4 Server and i using the Walker10.6.3 and the Patcher v1.71 by Needle. And this Error Message i become but i am 100% Sure that the passwort and username ist CORRECT i tested it twice with 2 accounts. 20:26:05 www.nudl.net 20:26:05 òðóëÿëÿ 20:26:05 Link LoginServer Succeed. 20:26:09 Login LoginServer Succeed. 20:26:09 服务器[01]当前在线率:30.14%,能否登陆:能 20:26:14 Password does not match this account. Confirm your account information and log in again later. 20:26:14 ->Login LoginServer Fail. If you need more informations post it here, and i do as fast as i can to give you the informations. I hope someone can help me, thx.
  2. Hello @ll, I got some problems to get working L2PacketHack on a Interlude Server. At first time use all seems working good, i Copy the code for move to Location and he moved there i was thinking "now must the rest work too" but its not the thing. When i buy an Item in Shop "RequestShop..." and sniff the code and send it back it works but when i try to buy an other item by changing code it doest work anymore. First The ListID is an other then by halpex... Ok then i try to make multiclass make a human mage make it lvl 20 and change class to wizard and scan the code (11) and then i change it to (15) Cleric and nothing happens i try to make a other char but dident help me... What means this all? Server protect this`? Did i something wrong? Are they any Guides for L2PacketHack any IDs ....
  3. it works 100% on 1.6 i asked my friend dont know it it works with non-steam try it so: gl_monolight "1" When it works by u and u will play on a other server then u must quit 1.6 first and then start aigan otherwise it dident will work
  4. Sry Haxor buts its a long time ago tha i script for Cs 1.6 so i dont know anymore the right syntaxes. Ok now i am @home and find the name of the file: valve.rc CSS and i think in 1.6 its the same the valve.rc and config.cfg will started automaticly. What means that for me: I dont need anymore the config.cfg I write only in the valve.rc "exec script.cfg" and then it will be started now can i delete or overwrite the config and all will work anymore. I think the bug/cheat exist in 1.6: Haxor try to put gl_monolight 1 in the valve rc and u can play on anyserver with it xD
  5. Yes because that all my settingz are in seperate configs... What i dont like on your god.cfg is: U first creat an alias and then u bind the key and exec the alias... alias buy_ak47-m4a1 "ak47; m4a1; primammo; slot3" bind KP_END "buy_ak47-m4a1" When u got many Scripts its then to much text in your config... Why do you dont try this version? (CSS only) bind "KP_END" "buy weapon_ak47; buy weapon_m4a1; use weapon_knife" Its only 1 Line and for unexperience people easier to understand. But this is only my opinien
  6. Hmmm u say all that u can only start/run/exec scripts from config.cfg and from there then all other but there is another pissibility there is a file "dont know the name of it, when i am @home i will look" from there u can run configs and dont need to put exec 1337g0dl1k3.cfg in your config.cfg
  7. I scripting for a long time but i need only some days to lurn how it works... No my syntax is right if u want to use it on nummblock u must write a other key bind "KP_END" "buy ak47; buy m4a1" Here is a picture where u can see all keys: http://doc-zock.de/cskrams/Tastatur2.jpg
  8. Ahh sry i forgett this is CSS and not 1.6 So its correct: bind "1" "buy ak47; buy m4a1" put it better in your userconfig Now it should work...
  9. Put u this in the write config? U must put it in config.cfg
  10. CSS Scripting is really easy, u can learn it very fast Buyscript wors so: bind "key" "ak47; m4a1" Replace key with the key that u want to use and put in in ur config.
  11. Need you a Full Config with all shit what you dont need or Scripts?
  12. Thanks u searching long for a programm like this
  13. 851
  14. Hello Guys, I and my friend try a long time to creat a Buff Bot with L2Walker / L2Superman (L2Wind) but it dont will work and we dont know how to get it working. What means "Buff Bot" for me: We got a Prophet with a subclasses (Bladedancer, Swordsinger, Warcryer) What we are tryieng is to get this Player to Buffing us automaticle when we are in the party or somethink like that. Exampel: I was fighting and now my Buffs are gonna, so i go to Giran in the Church and invite the Fullbuffer he started atuomaticle buff me with Prophet Buffs when he buffed me he go to Grand Master and change to Subclass Bladedancer and start to buff me with dances and so is gona on till me got all Buffs... What we already tryieng is: We try to use get work this with L2walker (IG first) but there is a problem. When the Buffer Change the Subclass the Script dont work anymore because the Skills dident refresh. Exampel: ... Useskill(Shield) <- Work Useskill(Might) <- Work Here come then the Subclass change <- Work Useskill(Dance of Fury) <- DONT WORK because the Skills are not refresh Useskill(Dance of Concentration) <- DONT WORK because the Skills are not refresh ... Then i tried something i put a long delay time after the Subclass Change and refresh the Skills manuell (only open the Skill menu in Lineage II) and then it works, so it must be the refrashrate of Lineage II or L2Walker. Then they are an option in L2Walker to give somebody skills (buffs) when he pm you but there is the problem that we can only use one class because we cant say him to change the subclass ________________________________________________________________________________ Yesterday and Today i tried this story with L2Superman (L2Wind) and there is the same problem with the refresh time of the Skills. Now we dont know what to do, it must be any possiblitys to get this working or is that impossible? Thank u for reading and i hope someone can help us. Big SRY for my bad english
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