Hello Guys,
I and my friend try a long time to creat a Buff Bot with L2Walker / L2Superman (L2Wind) but it dont will work and we dont know how to get it working.
What means "Buff Bot" for me:
We got a Prophet with a subclasses (Bladedancer, Swordsinger, Warcryer)
What we are tryieng is to get this Player to Buffing us automaticle when we are in the party or somethink like that.
I was fighting and now my Buffs are gonna, so i go to Giran in the Church and invite the Fullbuffer he started atuomaticle buff me with Prophet Buffs when he buffed me he go to Grand Master and change to Subclass Bladedancer and start to buff me with dances and so is gona on till me got all Buffs...
What we already tryieng is:
We try to use get work this with L2walker (IG first) but there is a problem. When the Buffer Change the Subclass the Script dont work anymore because the Skills dident refresh.
Useskill(Shield) <- Work
Useskill(Might) <- Work
Here come then the Subclass change <- Work
Useskill(Dance of Fury) <- DONT WORK because the Skills are not refresh
Useskill(Dance of Concentration) <- DONT WORK because the Skills are not refresh
Then i tried something i put a long delay time after the Subclass Change and refresh the Skills manuell (only open the Skill menu in Lineage II) and then it works, so it must be the refrashrate of Lineage II or L2Walker.
Then they are an option in L2Walker to give somebody skills (buffs) when he pm you but there is the problem that we can only use one class because we cant say him to change the subclass
Yesterday and Today i tried this story with L2Superman (L2Wind) and there is the same problem with the refresh time of the Skills.
Now we dont know what to do, it must be any possiblitys to get this working or is that impossible?
Thank u for reading and i hope someone can help us.
Big SRY for my bad english