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Everything posted by kadaz84
Το τι το προκάλεσε όμως ακόμα άγνωστο.
Λύθηκε το πρόβλημα. Ευχαριστώ πολύ για την βοήθεια. Το ότι δεν μπορούσε να ανοίξει το register με οδήγεισε στο να κάνω uninstall την java και μετά ξανά install χωρίς να αλλάξω την path. Και έτσι δούλεψε.
Το είχα κάνει, μέχρι χτες δούλευε μια χαρά. Τώρα που το ανέφερες όμως δοκίμασα πάλι να κάνω register αλλά δεν δεν ανοίγει καν το register game server. Το hexid βρίσκεται ακόμα εκεί που είπες. α χρισιμοποιώ windows 7 64 bit.
Γεια. Έχω ένα περίεργο πρόβλημα με τον server μου. Πατάω login server και μου βγάζει το επικό: Starting L2j Server. server terminated press a button to continue... Το ίδιο γίνεται και όταν ανοίγω το Game server Μέχρι στιγμής έχω δοκιμάσει να κάνω restore point, restart pc, disable firewall και να κάνω reinstall το Mysql server. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι πάλι το ίδιο. Στο navicat για ένα περίεργο λόγο μπορώ να μπω. Η database ευτίχως είναι στη θέση του. Μπορεί κάποιος να βοηθήσει?
Oh,i use high five freya client if that's helpfull!
Hi!I install the NPC but i cant target it with normal character but its working with GM character!Should i have to change something in my SQL files?By the way very nice share!+1 :)
Looking good!I'll test it!Nice work!!!
[Collection] All My Npc's ( Freya-H5 )(Updated)
kadaz84 replied to `NeverMore's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
Great collection!!!Many thnx!!! -
why I keep disconnecting on login screen.
kadaz84 replied to TheEntei's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
In order to connect,you have to put you ID ( into L2.ini (it's in your system folder)!All you have to do is to download the file editor for freya!I find one here : http://www.4shared.com/rar/1De4CBqV/L2 . After that,unzip the file and open the "L2 File Editor [C4 to Freya]". Then on the top you'll see a bar with that:C4: Scions of Destiny.Choose CT2.5: Freya and click File -> open& Decript. After that locate your L2.ini and press open,and finally go to ServerAddr= put the IP and save!Good luck! -
The inventory always contain only the tutorial book
kadaz84 replied to kadaz84's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
anyway, It was my client version fault and i also delete the tutorial book id from the database!It works fine now!!! ;D -
Npc event manager missing
kadaz84 replied to kadaz84's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
I fix it!All i had to do is to update the revision! -
The inventory always contain only the tutorial book
kadaz84 replied to kadaz84's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
No,that doesnt work but it was worth the try!any other solution? -
The inventory always contain only the tutorial book
kadaz84 replied to kadaz84's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Good idea!I'll check it!tnx!!! -
L2J Revision Number: 4420 L2JDP Revision Number: 7664 Lineage 2 client final epilogue The inventory of the players(GM And Normal) is always empty when they open it.It only contain the tutorial book.Also the shops in all villages has some items for 0 adenas and it doesnt contain the correct items!Not only than but when i try to by this items the server pop a messege and kicked me(and everyone else) for ilegal action,Gm informed.I disable Spawn protection,i enable free items for Gm and i disable the option for kicking players!But the problem main the same!When i use shift and click to a Npc and see the store items is has them all with the ID!And thats weird!
Guide Πώς Να Κάνετε Compile.
kadaz84 replied to SkySkase's topic in Server Development Discussion [Greek]
Αυτός είναι οδηγός.απλός και σύντομος!!! -
nice hat!!!
Npc event manager missing
kadaz84 replied to kadaz84's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
ok,i chance the prefix. -
Hi!Whanever i run an event like Heavy Medal the mods drops event items but i cant find any Npc manager!Anyone knows how to load the Npc manager for any of this events? My faenor xml file for this event is</Event> <Event ID="Medals Event" Active="24 Dec 2006-26 Dec 2099"> <Droplist> <AllDrop Items="6392" Count="1,4" Chance="40%" /> </Droplist> <Droplist> <AllDrop Items="6393" Count="1,2" Chance="2%" /> </Droplist> <Message Type="OnJoin" Msg="Medals Event: You can collect medals from all mobs and trade them for event rewards!" /> <EventEnd> <Take From="AllPlayers"> <Item ItemID="6392-6393"></Item> </Take> </EventEnd> </Event> My scripts java file is: package events.HeavyMedal; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.QuestManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.Quest; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.QuestState; import com.l2jserver.util.Rnd; /** ** @author Gnacik ** ** Retail Event : 'Heavy Medals' */ public class HeavyMedal extends Quest { private final static int CAT_ROY = 31228; private final static int CAT_WINNIE = 31229; private final static int GLITTERING_MEDAL = 6393; private final static int WIN_CHANCE = 50; private final static int[] MEDALS = { 5,10,20,40 }; private final static int[] BADGES = { 6399,6400,6401,6402 }; private static final int[][] _spawns_winnie = { {-44342,-113726,-240,0}, {-44671,-115437,-240,22500}, {-13073,122841,-3117,0}, {-13972,121893,-2988,32768}, {-14843,123710,-3117,8192}, {11327,15682,-4584,25000}, {11243,17712,-4574,57344}, {18154,145192,-3054,7400}, {19214,144327,-3097,32768}, {19459,145775,-3086,48000}, {17418,170217,-3507,36000}, {47146,49382,-3059,32000}, {44157,50827,-3059,57344}, {79798,55629,-1560,0}, {83328,55769,-1525,32768}, {80986,54452,-1525,32768}, {83329,149095,-3405,49152}, {82277,148564,-3467,0}, {81620,148689,-3464,32768}, {81691,145610,-3467,32768}, {114719,-178742,-821,0}, {115708,-182422,-1449,0}, {-80731,151152,-3043,28672}, {-84097,150171,-3129,4096}, {-82678,151666,-3129,49152}, {117459,76664,-2695,38000}, {115936,76488,-2711,59000}, {119576,76940,-2275,40960}, {-84516,243015,-3730,34000}, {-86031,243153,-3730,60000}, {147124,27401,-2192,40960}, {147985,25664,-2000,16384}, {111724,221111,-3543,16384}, {107899,218149,-3675,0}, {114920,220080,-3632,32768}, {147924,-58052,-2979,49000}, {147285,-56461,-2776,33000}, {44176,-48688,-800,33000}, {44294,-47642,-792,50000} }; private static final int[][] _spawns_roy = { {-44337,-113669,-224,0}, {-44628,-115409,-240,22500}, {-13073,122801,-3117,0}, {-13949,121934,-2988,32768}, {-14786,123686,-3117,8192}, {11281,15652,-4584,25000}, {11303,17732,-4574,57344}, {18178,145149,-3054,7400}, {19208,144380,-3097,32768}, {19508,145775,-3086,48000}, {17396,170259,-3507,36000}, {47151,49436,-3059,32000}, {44122,50784,-3059,57344}, {79806,55570,-1560,0}, {83328,55824,-1525,32768}, {80986,54504,-1525,32768}, {83332,149160,-3405,49152}, {82277,148598,-3467,0}, {81621,148725,-3467,32768}, {81680,145656,-3467,32768}, {114733,-178691,-821,0}, {115708,-182362,-1449,0}, {-80789,151073,-3043,28672}, {-84049,150176,-3129,4096}, {-82623,151666,-3129,49152}, {117498,76630,-2695,38000}, {115914,76449,-2711,59000}, {119536,76988,-2275,40960}, {-84516,242971,-3730,34000}, {-86003,243205,-3730,60000}, {147184,27405,-2192,17000}, {147920,25664,-2000,16384}, {111776,221104,-3543,16384}, {107904,218096,-3675,0}, {114920,220020,-3632,32768}, {147888,-58048,-2979,49000}, {147262,-56450,-2776,33000}, {44176,-48732,-800,33000}, {44319,-47640,-792,50000} }; public HeavyMedal(int questId, String name, String descr) { super(questId, name, descr); addStartNpc(CAT_ROY); addStartNpc(CAT_WINNIE); addTalkId(CAT_ROY); addTalkId(CAT_WINNIE); addFirstTalkId(CAT_ROY); addFirstTalkId(CAT_WINNIE); for(int[] _spawn : _spawns_roy) addSpawn(CAT_ROY, _spawn[0], _spawn[1], _spawn[2], _spawn[3], false, 0); for(int[] _spawn : _spawns_winnie) addSpawn(CAT_WINNIE, _spawn[0], _spawn[1], _spawn[2], _spawn[3], false, 0); } @Override public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { String htmltext = ""; QuestState st = player.getQuestState(getName()); htmltext = event; int level = checkLevel(st); if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("game")) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(GLITTERING_MEDAL) < MEDALS[level]) return "31229-no.htm"; else return "31229-game.htm"; } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("heads") || event.equalsIgnoreCase("tails")) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(GLITTERING_MEDAL) < MEDALS[level]) return "31229-"+event.toLowerCase()+"-10.htm"; st.takeItems(GLITTERING_MEDAL, MEDALS[level]); if(Rnd.get(100) > WIN_CHANCE) { level = 0; } else { if (level>0) st.takeItems(BADGES[level-1], -1); st.giveItems(BADGES[level], 1); st.playSound("Itemsound.quest_itemget"); level++; } return "31229-"+event.toLowerCase()+"-"+String.valueOf(level)+".htm"; } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("talk")) { return String.valueOf(npc.getNpcId())+ "-lvl-"+String.valueOf(level)+".htm"; } return htmltext; } @Override public String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { QuestState st = player.getQuestState(getName()); if (st == null) { Quest q = QuestManager.getInstance().getQuest(getName()); st = q.newQuestState(player); } return npc.getNpcId()+".htm"; } public int checkLevel(QuestState st) { int _lev = 0; if(st == null) return 0; else if (st.getQuestItemsCount(6402) > 0) _lev = 4; else if (st.getQuestItemsCount(6401) > 0) _lev = 3; else if (st.getQuestItemsCount(6400) > 0) _lev = 2; else if (st.getQuestItemsCount(6399) > 0) _lev = 1; return _lev; } public static void main(String[] args) { new HeavyMedal(-1, "HeavyMedal", "events"); } } and finally my script config for the events # Event Engine 703 mods/eventmodElpies/eventmodElpies.java 704 mods/eventmodRabbits/eventmodRabbits.java 705 mods/eventmodRace/eventmodRace.java 706 707 # Events 708 events/CharacterBirthday/CharacterBirthday.java 709 710 # Disabled by default events 711 #events/GiftOfVitality/GiftOfVitality.java 712 #events/HeavyMedal/HeavyMedal.java 713 #events/TheValentineEvent/TheValentineEvent.java 714 #events/FreyaCelebration/FreyaCelebration.java 715 #events/MasterOfEnchanting/MasterOfEnchanting.java
tnx :)