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Everything posted by Skyrus

  1. This server was online for longer time period than Alive, so Alive just made the same npc, but they couldn't do the same drop/npc stat's etc, only appearance, it's not L2Alive..
  2. Sure you did, screenshot/video for proof ;?
  3. http://www27.zippyshare.com/v/31894907/file.html Here you go.
  4. Can any1 re-share it?
  5. Im joining him, thanks!
  6. I will agree with that, despite i like to build similiar but not as same as you. :)
  7. Frozen has frozen again ? :-(
  8. Very nice HTML's. Job well done
  9. Best wishes :-)) Goodluck 8)
  10. BAMP, Server still living, some non-factor players left (sad), but still, as older we get more and more clans are getting involved into PvP and Epics :-) I'm trying to update server every day. Goodluck.
  11. Well, sorry about that. Goodluck with project. P.s. Thought IP was yours, but after tracking it didint match :-)
  12. Thank you. Today's morning restart bringed new changes: *Every Augument skill cooldown is fixed. *Added Primeval Island teleport('Teleporter' NPC.) *Lowered Caradine's Letter price. Still, i want you to know, that we'r using russians server platform, which is closed source, that means, that my hands are tied with some buggs, and i can't change anything,we need just to wait for update. Goodluck.
  13. Could YOU stop advertising your server in my(L2Alone)? Im tired of jailing your characters. . . Also i don't want to start a war. Every man has manners, and should feel when it's time to stop.
  14. As i guess, you didin't even try it? I see your post only as a spam, if you want to actually say server is bad, say what's bad in it. We had two major buggs, but they were fixed, and 95% players were repaired.
  15. Hello, there racist! I agree with your deal, if server lasts > 12days, you will worship for server.
  16. 1 - Fixed, 2 - I will add shortly
  17. Well, we done all we could, till server start left 1 hour. Goodluck for players, and goodluck for us. : -)
  18. BUMP, Players participated in community forum and decided to change back buff slots 24+4 as was planned before. Server moved on paid russian platform TODAY IS THE DAY, For those, who can't decide, log-in and try. Today 16:00(GMT+2) server starts.
  19. I can't see a point why you'r still on this forum? I dont think you'r old enough to even accept this forum terms to register, so please, stop spamming this section ("Lineage II Private Servers") with ur negative atidute, i would like to say that haters gonna hate, kids gonna cry.. Choose which one are you LockPower
  20. Hello, One day left before live mode, we've made some changes: *Barakiel(Nobless RB) respawn changed to 6h+30min *Mages M.Crits chance reduced to 1 (from 2, who played in beta will know) *Increased MP Potions strenght (restores 2K mana) *Weight limit increased 2 times *Inventory expanded by 30 slots for every race. *Buff slots increased to 28. *Forum has been added to website Events - Clans event - Every clan which will have 15 online people, will receive 10K Clan reputation points(You will able to get a prize after you reach clan level 5). There are no exceptions EVERY clan with 15online people will receive prize. Facebook event - You can go to our Facebook page, and like/share/comment our post about server start. Prize will be for share - 30 Donation Points, for likes - 20 Donation Points, for comment - 10 Donation Points. Advertising event - You can advertise our server everywhere and send a picture to our e-mail(l2alone.eu@gmail.com) and win 40 Donation Points!
  21. BUMP! First message edited - announced server live date.
  22. Couldnt you just create a new topic for your server? If any mod sees, please delete his promotion and this post.
  23. MoS successfully translated into English. Looking forward to add TradeOff zones. Thank you for your commits : -)
  24. Thank you for your commits. I will spawn symbol makers and translate MoS monsters first thing tomorrow morning, been online today more than 8 hours to apply all commits submited by players.
  25. Hello, First of all i want to tell you that im not even a bit related to old administration of L2Alone. Second of all, sorry if this server advertisement made you mad. Now about server, Today we have managed to fix over 40+ bugs (Including minor ones and big ones). As there is few minor patches left, we can say that we need to think about server live date ( Test server is still on with test shop (includes items up to s grade and rb jewels)). Live server date will be March 27 (More details tomorrow). By the way, we'r using russians platform(Which is now 90% translated into English).
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