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About sral

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  1. works great :D
  2. has anybody ever experienced an innocent account beeing banned due to it beeing at the same ip as a botted account?
  3. So guys, would my 2 main accounts be at risk of getting banned?
  4. good topic :D
  5. Ya I heard that they put some restrictions, but I didnt think they blocked all ways. Did they ?
  6. So I have 2 main accounts that I have not yet botted on. And I dont really feel like risking it yet. So I was thinkin If I create a few trail accounts and bot on them, If NC detects them botting. Will my 2 main accounts be at risk of being banned? What do u guys think ?
  7. sounds good
  8. Hey guys, first post on theese forums! YaY! :) Anyway, I searched around for a working bot on L2supreme but all I found were posts where people asked and either no responce, or one of the admins here locked the post, and linked them to a topic, where this guy is talking about downloading a diffrent l2.exe. and using that. I read though that topic but didnt seem like he found a solution. So il try my luck in making this topic. Does anybody have a working L2walker IG or OOG for l2 supreme. It would be gratly appreciated.
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