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Posts posted by cloud12

  1. bee.gif

    Want to start your own website or server? But shortage of money doesn't allows you to start a Website? Are you one among them who is interested a lot in Web Development but unable to afford Web Hosting? Don't worry this GiveAway is for people who are interesting in making sites, blogs, gameservers but aren't able to get into the professional world because of shortage of Domains and Fast Hosting. In short it is the Bee2Host Hosting Giveaway

    What are we giving away?

    Well, The title gave you an idea of what are we giving away? Let me tell you what is given in the GiveAway? We are giving a Bee2Host Starter Plan and One Root Server x1 that too, of your choice for One Full Month. Yes! All for the Lucky winner here! :)

    Wait! what if you don't win? We have special offer for the people who don't win also, so at the end no one is the loser, In this giveaway everyone wins.
    For those who don't win can buy the Bee2Host's Starter Plan for 1 euro only! Yes! only 1 euro. So even if you don't win you don't have to worry!

    Bee2Host Starter Plan Details

    The Hosting is on Bee2Host.com so you don't have to worry about down times of the site. So the cost of the Bee2Host Starter  is  2.50/month, so yearly it goes up to 24E/month but if you are lucky enough then you get it for free! 

    Features of the Plan
    • Unlimited Bandwidth
    • 1GB Disk space
    • Domains allowed : 1
    • 24 x 7 Support (Bee2Host Support)
    • Instant Backup
    • Wordpress Hosting
    • Unlimited MySQL databases
     Features of the Root XS1
    - CPU : Intel Xeon E5-1620v2
    - RAM : 8GB DDR3 RAM
    - Hard Disk : 1TB SATA3
    - NIC :1 Gbit OnBoard
    - DDoS Protection : Up to 480 Gbps
    - Connected at : 1Gbit

    You can visit the
    Site for more details on the Plan.



  2. We just lost our webhosting coupons. All of them are currently on the loose and we need your help to return them to us. Although we appreciate and value the time that you spent out "hunting down" these coupons we are awarding you by choosing any of our webhosting services with a 40% discount for your first month! By using the promo code "V43CAGUB29" you have 40% discount to each and every one of our webhosting services plans. Keep in mind that each yearly paid webhosting service has a free gift. Which is a domain of YOUR choise. Have a nice day and happy "hunting".

  3. Alongside the new VPS series we would like to introduce you into a completely new product of ours which is the Radio Stations. They will be installed automatic upon the order confirmation and ready for you to use them instantly. Again we are more focused on our product quality than it's price . We have come up with plans that fits everyones needs. You have a wide variety of choises which includes the amount of listeners your radio station can hold and last but not least you are able to choose the bitrate of your radio which affects the quality of your sound. Check out our prices, test our product and we can guarantee your absolute satisfaction.


    Price starts from 5 euros / 100 Listeners at 32 klbps and up to 500 listeners at 128 klbps



  4. bee.gif


    Europe Test Ip :


    USA Test IP :


    Skype : Bee2Host

      BeeGuard Guard Now!

    140 Gbps DDoS attack protection via remote proxy setup in minutes for any hosting infrastructure.
    Unlimited domains or ports for website protection or game server protection.


    -Fast Instalation

    -Low Price

    -You can get protected everywhere


    *All players will seem to connect from the same ip .


    BeeGuard Light
    €20.00 EUR Monthly (With Promo Code : DR9J61MXN5 )
    - Clean Bandwidth in/out 5000 GB
    - Max DDoS Protection Up to 140Gib/s


    BeeGuard Medium
    €40.00 EUR Monthly (With Promo Code : DR9J61MXN5 )
    - Clean Bandwidth in/out 10000 GB Up to 140Gib/s
    BeeGuard Heavy
    €60.00 EUR Monthly (With Promo Code : DR9J61MXN5 )
    - Clean Bandwidth in/out 15000 GB
    - Max DDoS Protection Up to 140Gib/s
    BeeGuard Unlimited
    €100.00 EUR Monthly (With Promo Code : DR9J61MXN5 )
    - Clean Bandwidth in/out Unlimited GB
    - Max DDoS Protection Up to 140Gib/s


  5. bee.gif
    A crazy deal is up! Starting from today till 22th of June. That specific deal is made only for Root XS 4 (32 GB ram-4 CPU cores-160 GB SSD) 60 Euro  for the very first month when the real price is 99 Euro! Hurry up and get one for yourself by using the Promo Code: May2014 . By buying a Root XS 4 machine you will also enjoy the best custom developed protection we offer. Hurry up people!!!

    Bee2host Solutions

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