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Posts posted by cloud12


    Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quadcore

            incl. Hyper-Threading Technology

            RAM : 8 GB DDR3 RAM (You can upgrade server ram anytime )

            Hard Disk 200 GB SATA 3 Gb/s HDD (You can upgrade server HDD anytime )

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    Event Engine Works with (It will be synch with new Revisions and Events )

    L2J Freya: 5199

    L2J Hi5 stable 5508; r5667

    L2J GFinal: latest Download

    L2J Hi5 beta r5667

    With the machine you will recieve the Sources Paches too


    Main Events

        Only one of these event can be runned at a time. It will create ONE match only (which can be then divided into more instances, to prevent being too much overcrowded), when the match finishes, there will be some delay and then next event will be launched.




        Classic Team-based event

        Intelligent dividing players into teams, based on their strenght score (items, level, pvps,...)

        Scorebar showing score of both teams as well as time-left

        Reward available for both winners and losers

        Simple respawn with delay or wawe-style respawn system (respawn all dead players every X seconds - all of them in the same time).

        Player's title shows his score, deads, etc.

        All players are automatically divided into parties, the engine is trying to balance the count of healers in all parties so that each party can have at least one healer

        Multiple respawn spots for all teams.

        Multi maps support


    Capture the Flag

        Classic Team-based event

        Strict AFK/"Camp" checks for players, who don't manage to score with flag within given time limit

        Support to apply certain effects to the player holding the flag (such as slowing him down, making him more visible with effects, etc.)

        Simple respawn with delay or wawe-respawn system (respawn all dead players every X seconds). Multiple respawn spots for all teams.

        All other features are same as for TvT




        The goal in this event is to capture and hold a Zone (represented by NPC)

        You can capture the zone by standing close to it and killing your enemies standing close to the zone too

        All other features are same as for TvT and other events


    Mass Domination


        Similar to Domination, but uses more Zones

        The team needs to capture a specific count of zones in order to get score

        All other features are same as for TvT and other events



        Free for all event

        Gain points by killing other players

        Anti-feed protection, which changes completely player's appearance (including title, crests, hero and even name gets changed)

        Scorebar showing the top player's score


    Last Man Standing

        Similar to Deathmatch, but when you die, you won't get resurrected until the next round starts

        Configurable count of rounds

        Includes the same anti-feed protections as Deathmatch event

        Round time limit configurable, to prevent having infinity tank vs tank fights


    Advanced Team vs Team

        Similar to Team vs Team event, but

        In the start, it selects randomly some players from the top players on the event (by their level, pvps,...) and these players will become VIPs

        Each VIP has some cool powers that will surely help it's team to win

        the VIP can for example: slowly heal nearby players, throw away players that gets hit by him (or stun him on hit) or give out some short buffs.

        Thinking about making possible charging up the VIP by players from his team, which would make it extra strong!

        Killing the VIP gives your team extra score points

    Lucky Chests


        Free-for-all event

        Chests will appear in the event map, players will be killing them (one hit = one chest down). Each player will have a sword by default, stats will be same for all players on the event, but players will be able to get slightly more interesting weapons with some luck by killing chests.


    Also players will be able to switch their weapons during the event and they will be stored on the skill bar, which will temporary change only for the event (when you receive a weapon of anything else, it will be stored to the skill bar and at the end of the event, you will receive back your old skill bar).

    Mini Events


        Events running constantly or in certain times (specified by a GM). They create matches automatically when enough players register. There can be as many mini events running at a time as you want.


    Single Players fights

        1v1 (or 1v1v1, 1v1v1v1, 1v1v1v1v1,... as many players, as you want) fights

        Round based (1-10 rounds)

        30 seconds wait-time before the match starts (time to prepare, rebuff)

        Instanced, Multiple maps possible


    Party fights:

        2-10 fighting parties

        Configurable ammount of players in party (required to register)

        Round based (1-10 rounds)

        Rewards for both winners and losers

        Instanced, Multiple maps possible


    Korean Party fights:

        Similar to party matches, but players are fighting in famous Korean style

        Round based (1-10 rounds)

        2 teams (is multi-team support needed?)

        Rewards for both winners and losers

        Instanced, Multiple maps possible


    Mini TvT event


        You don't need a party to register. When the event reaches certain ammount of participating players, it will divide them into teams (and party them) and send to instanced arena. Also needed to mention that, if possible, the engine will try to divide the players (especially healers and other support classes) equitibly, and will use special engine that will "compute" players strenght points based on his level, items, pvps, etc. That will make the matches as well balanced, as it is possible.

        Round based

        Multi-teams support

        Rewards for both winners and losers

        Instanced, Multiple maps possible


    this is a limmited offer for more informations pm me


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  3. merfis thanks for your opinion i would like to mention that it is the first day of the server.

    Custom armors are realy nothing special than graphics.

    every glitch we found on balanced will be fixed but its no gonna be if everyoneqq before find a reason to qq . thanks :) im waiting your reports in forum or online for any problem you have


    p.s there are events that are not based on player equip so everyone have a change to obtain those items


    L][DoD Pure PvP 5000x

    Rates/Basics INFO:


    * Exp x5000

    * SP x5000

    * Adena x5000

    * Drop x1

    * Spoil x1 (drop chance)

    * Drop Raid Boss x1

    * Drop quest x5000

    * Quest reward x5000


    Item up to S84

    Skill Certification working/skill enchant via Giant's Codex.


    Custom NPCs:



    GM Shop

    Augmentation Manager

    PvP-PK Manager

    Custom Shop

    Andromeda (Wedding Manager)


    Features :

    24 hours Buff/3 hours Songs/Dances (except some buff, for balance)

    Safe enchant +4

    Max enchant +16

    Enchant rates : 66% Normal/99% Blessed


    Auto learn skill


    Auto Loot (Auto Pickup)

    Auto Learn Forgoten Scroll Skills



      Main events

    - Fully working Team vs Team, Advanced Team vs Team, Capture the Flag, Domination, Mass Domination, Deathmatch, Last Man Standing events, Lucky Chests (extremely advanced version)


    * Mini events


    Single players fights:

    - 1v1 event (classic 1v1 fights)

    - 3 players FFA event (free-for-all)

    - 5 players FFA event (free-for-all)


    Party fights:

    - 5vs5 (register with a party of 5 people and fight another party)

    - 2vs2 (you only need one friend!)

    - 9vs9 (full parties)

    - 2vs2vs2 (same as 2vs2, there are 3 teams fighting each other)

    - 5vs5vs5 (same as 5vs5, there are 3 teams fighting each other)


    Korean Party fights:

    - 5vs5 (you need a party of 5 people)

    - 3vs3 (grab two friends to join)

    - 9vs9 (for full parties)


    Mini TvT:

    - 10vs10 (smaller version; you don't need any party to join, teams are created automatically)

    - 20vs20 (bigger version)


    Our Regards,

    L][DoD Team.

  5. Hello You Should Try L2dod.eu pure pvp H5 server. more informations you can find at www.l2dod.eu


    Server have a lot of events :

    Main events

    - Fully working Team vs Team, Advanced Team vs Team, Capture the Flag, Domination, Mass Domination, Deathmatch, Last Man Standing events, Lucky Chests (extremely advanced version)


    * Mini events


    Single players fights:

    - 1v1 event (classic 1v1 fights)

    - 3 players FFA event (free-for-all)

    - 5 players FFA event (free-for-all)


    Party fights:

    - 5vs5 (register with a party of 5 people and fight another party)

    - 2vs2 (you only need one friend!)

    - 9vs9 (full parties)

    - 2vs2vs2 (same as 2vs2, there are 3 teams fighting each other)

    - 5vs5vs5 (same as 5vs5, there are 3 teams fighting each other)


    Korean Party fights:

    - 5vs5 (you need a party of 5 people)

    - 3vs3 (grab two friends to join)

    - 9vs9 (for full parties)


    Mini TvT:

    - 10vs10 (smaller version; you don't need any party to join, teams are created automatically)

    - 20vs20 (bigger version)


    and its pure pvp join now and enjoy!

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