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  1. i dont care about shared source, i dont want as someone to get money from my package
  2. someone will take some action ? please 1st guy no need any proof cause he is declarin he is resell my server so please close it about 2nd guy please add me on skype: duma.c http://fandc.ro
  3. i'm owner of http://fandc.ro - you can see on website my skype: duma.c http://www.maxcheate...o-no-backdoors/ - as you can see this guy is declaring he is selling my server ! about the 2nd guy http://www.maxcheate...gh-five-part-5/ - he bought pack from me i can show you proofs on skype.
  4. Hello, i hope someone will take care about those two resellers who try reselling my pack. http://fandc.ro 1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/175443-fandc-updates-geodata-30-euro-no-backdoors/ - this guy 2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/174557-l2ret-files-not-l2jserver-high-five-part-5/ - this is l2jps team he bought pack from me and now he changed name a bit htmls and try resell it. - i have proofs against this guy.
  5. If you want smth stable http://fandc.ro
  6. i'm not using first-team as base, please don't provide wrong informations. in first team if you have luck you cannot even change classes correctly. Let's don't talk about other critical bugs... http://fandc.ro - FandC-Project
  7. @Vampir, i think is not ok to make me a bad reputation since you have no ideea about what i'm doing. I think you have done enought, you should better thanks to me ! and if my source is such a trash why did you worked on it and not on your overpowered ft source ? tell the truth I prefer to fix retail things and make everything work correct than to create these custom lol codes. i have fixed things than even l2scripts doesnt have so please keep these informations you wrote above for yourself btw: i still have many customers and updating the core. regards, claww - http://fandc.ro
  8. If i can help some how i have profs how stalone threat me with DDoS
  9. omg man you QQ for 2 shitty codes but cause you stole my files and now you use them why don't you talk ? ? only about your shitty codes Use your "pro" FT project then and delete my files !
  10. This guy try resell my FandC Project, please delete the topic. Thanks http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/171869-best-l2java-server-for-h5-trustable/
  11. Please add me on skype to help you login: duma.c
  12. Server now is fixed and stable. Thank you for your patience !!! http://l2roe.net - ONLINE
  13. You ask me about few bad codes when you getting my source and using this without my accept, if you were so good why didnt you used your FT source and not mine .. so i think you should be silenced here cause you using my whole platform :)
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