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Everything posted by nikosdevil20

  1. kala o typos o trance einai pera gia pera gia ton p@@o pragmatika. nomizei oti kapoios einai akou edw ti malakies grafei kai kala oti gamisa egw to l2j edw den vlepei ti pack kikloforoune to diko mou to pack gamise to l2j.
  2. [12:28:27 πμ] Extreamer: I went to the cinema cause I have a life :) [12:36:24 πμ] Extreamer: Show it to me [1:04:48 πμ] ॐNikosॐ®: cuz i have too life i havent all day for show you my source for see if lying or not. [1:07:30 πμ] Extreamer: since im free you can show me now [1:08:33 πμ] ॐNikosॐ®: now im not free.i wait you 20 mins and you dont answer me cuz you have life. i have life too. and for why i must show you? my topic is locked. for what i must show you? [1:08:58 πμ] Extreamer: alright don't your choice, I don't give a shit :) why i must provit to idiot guys if my source is ok? he dont want buy my pack so if i want i show the source. and i say to show you my source for shut up. but you are idiot and i dont wait you on pc for show you if my source is ok!!
  3. trance realy go f@@k.you are the most idiot guy here. you only searching topics for find something wrong. about if you "protect" l2j go f@@k you again. go see l2j packs and dont say to me about l2j. i wait he 20 mins for answer me when im ready to show he and at last he dont answer me. i havent all time to prove it at idiot guys if my pack is ok.
  4. w8 1 min i go take my girlfriend and i coming. add in skype nikosdevilakos and dont say bullsh1ts in 1 min im coming back
  5. man listen me. i have the cb from fandc project and all the fandc project and 1 ppl sell this cb in marketplace. is not her work but he have fix some things with this cb. where is the problem? he have work and he want take money for this job. where is the problem?
  6. and this is only the config? you know what i have make with this code? you know i have make in pvp zones give reward to players? you know i have add 20 lines more for work in masterio pvp system and give random reward if players is in multifunction zones or in custom raidboss zone or in custom pvp zones or in party pvp zones? you know how lines i have add in this code? i have take only the calculate from this code of i ask for help in sf. so stfu if you dont know for what about i talking and for what about i have make in my pack. and go unlock my topic. cuz trance think he is the god here cant lock topics cuz he dont like the features or cuz he think i lying. i dont scamm anyone and i dont sell my pack before the buyer test the pack in source and in game online. so go and unlock my topic.
  7. man listen me. maybe i dont speak good english but i understund what i write. i have add shared codes, i have edit shared codes,i have fix shared codes and i have make alone codes in my pack. when i ask for help for calculate in % rate this doesnt mean all the code is from this guy of help me. i have add 20 lines more in this code for work correct and for work in rank pvp system from masterio as i want work.
  8. random configs? you thing is that only? yes i coded by myself this code and i have take only this line from ponyrider's code. but you are so @@ and you dont want see. you thing something you are here and lock topics. you uderstund my english now? or you want explain you more??
  9. are you sure? give me your skype in pm for add you and i go you in my source for see the code if is same with that sh1t. and the only of i have take of this code is this: if( Rnd.get(100)<50) all the other code is mine and say me in pm your skype for add you and show you my source and code. cuz you think you are realy leverly. and now we see who say bullsh1ts
  10. yes so what for calculate the rate in % is not my code? i make 10 lines code and 1 help me to add 1 line and what? is her the code? and ok fuck and this code and say isnt by me. and where is shared this ? and yes skills are 99% fixed and work. why must 1 server is unbalance? i have 15 buffs and 9 songs and i have change 85% from retail skills power,rate,reuse and more. why 1 freya server must be unbalance? cuz some idiots make 3000 buff and 3000 songs slot and change backstub to 1500000 power?
  11. and cuz you post in my topic after lock i must answer you 1st bishop reward i have make the code alone and help me 1 guy for calculate the rate in % this is only. not give me all the code. 2nd custom start for new player is shared 10 years and i add the code but not from share but by me. is not the something hard to add 5 lines code. 3d skills i have fix the 99% of skills power,chance,reuse and more. and i have configure that stats with +15 items only with test chars and not only in files. 4 auto respawn after death is from multifunction zone only and i dont say is mine 5 about protections is not hard to add if (activeChar.getPvpFlag() > 0 or if (activeChar.isInDuel() or something like this for need share to add.
  12. so what you want say with this? i dont say im "developer" and pro but i have make 1 pack with l2j ct2.5 base and i have add features,i have edit skills,items and more. and shared if are the features of my server where is the problem? have any rule of say "features from packs must be only maked by owner" ? no. so where is the problem if my features are shared or no? and at last trance or extreamer know if my source have shared features or if features are mine? no. so why lock my topic? cuz i have 250 posts and "im newbie" in forum and he is moderator or what the f@@k and he thing he can do evertything of he want. and cuz if he dont like my features and i just ruin the beauty of L2J as he say he lock my topic. this is logic?
  13. fuck my engish :D i say you have see my source for see if the features are the shared features and are not by me? NO this i say
  14. as you say only. you have see my source for see if things are coded by me? NO. so if you dont know you can test my source via tv or skype for see if the codes of i say is mine is not. and yes maybe some things are shared here so what? because are shared here must be this in my source?
  15. So Trance lock my topic without have see my source codes, without have see if server have balance, without have see if the codes are edited by me and because he dont like my pack he lock my topic and say: nikosdevil20, on 20 Aug 2014 - 6:44 PM, said: Such a project is a gateway to the past, 5 years ago. What else can you make except adding configs, and adapting other people's trash? It's funny, because you call it "balanced". I'm not gonna accept such a whole in the market. You just ruin the beauty of L2J. Topic locked. so this is logic from mxc? logic from Trance? or what is this? Extreamer And so WHAT if this things are SHARED? i cant add shared things in my pack? have any rule packs must have only codes by owners and not shares? and all things of i have write by me is ONLY BY ME. i dont need add from share custom spawn zone or custom respawn or for make 1 npc ps. i dont want report extreamer but i answer he cuz he post in my topic after lock
  16. about balancer idk from where is and from where was leeched but i have change all the code for work to l2j freya. anything from this sh1t is in my pack. only the html because i havent change yet. and havent any same think with elfos balancer. elfos balancer add +100 stats and after enchant the player have 100 patk. if you havent see the code stop spam and ask before you say bullsh1ts. Geodata + Pathnode Included not by me Rank PvP System (By masterio) not by me Custom Siege time by me Poker Manager (Game) not by me but i have adapt it and edit alot of fails Custom Raidboss Zone by me 2 PvP Zones (Cant escape From gk,give reward every pvp kill) by me PVP/PK Color System adapted by me and fix alot sh1ts Killing Spree System (With rewards,announcement and more) by me Auto Server Restart (From config) from share Class Balance System (From config) from share i adapt it for my pack Welcome Pm On character start (From config) from share Bishop Reward with rate %( for example if 1 party have bishop in party take same assist reward) by me Custom start zone for new players from Config by me Custom PvP needs for speak in shout and trade chat by me Custom Start title for new players from share Hero Color name by me the code by share the idea Town War Event Fully configurable from share and i fix alot sh1ts and bugs Vote System Hopzone and Topzone (Every x Votes reward all players (with Bot and dualbox protection) share again with alot of fixes Custom Subclass level (from Config) by me Olympiad Hero time (Change from configs) by me Custom Hero Color Name System (Heroes have other color name) by me the code the idea from share Custom Community Board with: PvP/Pk info,hero info,Donate info,online players info, and more from share 2 Multifunction Zones Fully configurable from share and in code i have leave only 2 lines from wyatt's shared code Some protections about zones,pvp-pk,teleports,Character protections and more. all by me Balanced Skills,Skills all fully working by me Auto respawn after death in pvp zones (change from config) by me SO WHERE THE FUCK ALL FEATURES ARE FROM SHARES? YOU HAVE SEE THE SOURCE? YOU HAVE SEE THE CODES FOR SEE IF ARE FROM SHARES? IF YOU DONT WANT BUY IT DONT BUY IT. BUT DONT POST SH1TS IN MY TOPIC. as i say if you dont like my pack dont buy. but if you havent see the source or codes stfu, see your job and stop post sh1ts in my topic.
  17. so delete all imports and go 1 by 1 in errors and add the import
  18. so change the imports from com.l2jfrozen to net.sf.l2j and if you have errors post here...
  19. its not by elfo is from l2jhellas and works perfect. (if you know to use always) :D you can test it online if you want :)
  20. in so what is this? ???? you try to add the code and you got errors? and i ask you for what pack is the community board code of you have? no in what pack you want add
  21. Update: added InGame Balancer System fully working! photos: For online test pm me here,or leave reply here, or add in skype: l2pvpsource
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