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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Yeah, and it's called "Software Update". It's not in organized in days/months.When there's an update available, it pops up. Hope I helped :D
  2. Can't really find any loosers.Whatever the result is, the 4 users have some great skills.Go on boys & girls ;)
  3. The right one showing the music, is Bowtie as I said.The other one, is called Geek Tool.
  4. There's no really need to have them, if you're not going to use them.Anyway, I have "Dropbox", "Bowtie", "iAntiVirus" and the Adium icon.Search for them in google. @BloodyWarrior, thanks mate.Added to first post. Guys, updates to the topic coming soon.I had some work to do for the University.Sorry for not be able to publish the next video in the previous weekend, but I promise I will tomorrow maybe or at Thursday. See ya around guys, -Blane
  5. I said, and I'm gonna say it again.Don't speak greek in this topic.iPhones can be found in our shops in Greece.If you take it from U.S then you have to pay the transfer bills, so the price remains the same. If you want to buy a used one, then search in eBay.
  6. I can prove you, a fresh installed windows OS can stuck with a few moves, while mac os x is smooth. ;) Anyway we got offtopic.If you don't like it, stick with windows 7 and CSS :D
  7. Διορθώνω: Stop using charcoal.Please :D
  8. Νάτος και babylonιώτης. (το γάμησα)
  9. Ότι ας πούμε έβγαλες νόημα τώρα. ugh.. -.-'
  10. ΕΕΕΕλα αφού κατα(πολύ)βάθος είμαι καλός.Άκου εκεί sarcasm, άπαπα.
  11. Make the clouds above the renders, and slowly erase parts of the clouds, revealing the renders.Then play with lighting and stuff. Hope I helped ya.
  12. Δεν παίζει, προσπαθώ και 'γω.
  13. Κατέβασε τους ελληνικούς ξεχωριστά.Klain main.
  14. Μια είναι η σταθερή αξία.Μπορεί να μην είναι tracker αλλά είναι το μεγαλύτερο warez forum στον κόσμο.Όσοι κατάλαβαν, κατάλαβαν. :D
  15. The performance is clear, for the first time you use the OS.Once more, welcome to the club mate.Do not hesitate to ask me whatever you have doubt about.I'll be here (hopefully) to answer you. For those, asking me 'bout the video.No really fresh news here.I have some work to do in those days.I don't know, probably, tonight, maybe tomorrow, but honestly I don't know.I don't want to lie. See you around guys, -Blane
  16. Πρέπει να τα έχω στη βιβλιοθήκη της σχολής.Θα το κοιτάξω, αλλά σε ηλεκτρονική μορφή δύσκολα θα τα βρεις.
  17. Δώσε αν μπορείς Συγγραφείς/Εκδόσεις.
  18. Sorry guys I have to stay a bit alone, something really bad happened.
  19. Something bad happened.Forgive me.
  20. They're many out there.Dragon Age is one of the latest.But you can find many of them in google.
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