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Everything posted by AdenaOnCore

  1. MitsosGR www.L2Cash.com is a scam site , but you are also a scammer . You scammed me 50m on Core , remember ?
  2. S C A M M E R
  3. S C A M M E R
  4. S C A M M E R
  5. I'm from UK and not 43 years old , so no , it is not me . We've got a poser who pretends it's me maybe its AdenaCore the greek that posted early in this topic , who knows . But i don't play in Naia , i play Core and so my nick is AdenaOnCore , and u r idiot .
  6. I'm waiting . Show us .
  7. empty spam lines - yeah great proof , f a g g o t .
  8. ok im waiting , but if its not me i will fuk you ok ?
  9. Proof please ? I'm playing Innova Core what Naia are you dreaming , idiot ?
  10. Thank you nice seller .
  11. Pm me with prices interested in adena and epics .
  12. Because I wronged you in some way?
  13. I added you on skype and pmed you on the forum. Are you gonna talk to me or are you a scammer trying to boost his posts?!
  14. I dunno about Core but he tried to scam me today in Magmeld with Ruler's belt accepting 3 times less money than he belt really costs . Also demands the $ in his paypal upfront . For reccomends he uses AdenaInCore character to rec himself , but their IP is the same . Beware . Clearly AllEyesOnMyPony scam attempt again .
  15. Have you used the middleman service so far? Or just talk you might use it?
  16. Have you used the middleman service so far? Or just talk you might use it?
  17. Shut up scammer, people have been complaining from you for weeks, everybody knows that you are a scammer. How much adena have you bought so far? Have you sold your items? No, cuz you are a scammer and people know it. And you are friends with the rest of the scammers that want to blacken my name!
  18. Shut up scammer, people have been complaining from you for weeks, everybody knows that you are a scammer. How much adena have you bought so far? Have you sold your items? No, cuz you are a scammer and people know it. And you are friends with the rest of the scammers that want to blacken my name!
  19. Also, look at my flag again. Then google USA flag. Now spot the differences
  20. Also, look at my flag again. Then google USA flag. Now spot the differences
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