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  1. you can run additional boxes on diffrent Windows User (have to switch users, on wooden PCs its slow)
  2. i tried many and noone work, someone share please?
  3. fbi closed extreme not paradise >.> ken closed paradise himself
  4. use google mengs http://www.google.com/search?hl=pl&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Apl%3Aofficial&hs=1LP&q=L2PacketHack+3.1.6+English+Version&btnG=Szukaj&lr=
  5. you mean: how to enchant items using gm commands in l2off*
  6. i think chars on trial accounts cant trade/drop/buy items/adenas so i dont see point of it.
  7. cool, walker workin!^^ about dualboxing, did u try run l2 then change windows user and start l2 on other user?;p i didnt couse i dun need dualbox ;<
  8. gratz u just bumped thread from June 10, 2006....
  9. anyway... its better than c4 files+interlude client or l2j :D
  10. www.la2crazy.com 90% interlude, 99% c5, full c4 not L2joke play on emerald(7x) please... shappire(4x) is full of greeks/russians ;/
  11. well... its 95x server :P
  12. hi mengs is there any systemmsg-e.dat (with colors) for l2 interlude, i cant edit it with LineAge Utils (error) so ? ty edit: ok... c3/c4/c5 file wont work :P
  13. any news?:(
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