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Posts posted by bigmanx

  1. Hey guys , I have a FEOH 99 Soultaker for sale . Char is on EU official server (Core) . New owner will get all the info needed to modify the account ! I have a very good reputation on this forum and also sell adena and other chars since last year(june) so I'll be expecting money / adena up front .


    Gear isn't included with the char . The char has enchanted skills , a level 90 dual class and some other random stuff , also a very rare item that is very hard to get (Contact me on skype for more details )


    Skills enchant:


    Elemental destruction +7 duel
    Elemental Storm +6 duel
    Elemental Blast +6 duel
    Death Breath +5 duel
    Elemental Crash +5 duel
    Devil's curse +5 mdef
    Mass Devil's Curse +5 mdef
    Wizard Spirit +5 time
    Double Casting +5 time
    Arcane Barrier +5 time
    Hell Binding +5 mdef
    Death Fear +5 chance


    Also 300+ Energy of destruction  !

    Also has fishing skills


    PRICE :

    2.5 bil adena




  2. Hey guys I have a few accounts to sell ! I got around 5 wynn and 5 ISS available to sell . Price is 10 euro .Immortal Event gear(nothing special) I'm also willing to trade them for other 85 chars except iss/wynn

    Race is dark elf for wynn and Orc for iss .


    Contact me if you want to buy a char !


    Skype :



    (I'm mostly available during evening - europe time)!


    Yul 90 Event Gear  -15 euro

    Dwarf Othel Fortune Seeker LVL 91 - Event Gear(dual daggers+150) - 15 euros!

    Paladin 95/wynn 89(dualclass) (no gear) - 15 euro

    iss 87 - 10 euro


    + some Yul / Tank/ ISS / Wynn / 87-91 different races . 10-15 euro contact me on skype if you want a char!

  3. you clearly are missing abudance event where you can make like 100kk with 4 euro so price isnt lowered w/o reason.

    you are absolutely right . You can buy 11 boxes for 10 euros and sell them with 20 mil each =>220 kk =>4.54 euro/100 mil . Furthermore you can open the boxes and get real lucky. So ppl should flame innova instead of me .my service is better because you can get the adena instantly instead of waiting 1-2 days for the boxes to sell


    PS: if a moderator considers my reply spam pls delete my post!

  4. Stop lowering adena prices.

    It will harm you in future, it will effect your business and others.

    Your selfishness will bring you to the bottom of this "clear deals".

    1.I'm not selfish , lower pricer , happier players. I'm making people happy...how am I selfish?I'm like an early santa:D

    2.I'm not lowering anything these are the adena prices at this moment

    Thanks for the up. Appreciate it!

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