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About Wz0ds

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  1. archangeli your nick is like 1 of l2world admins, could it be something unclear ? :D Btw still hoping to get working walker for bfdr, if it is possible for you, Paul :)
  2. Tried to check it now, got such result:
  3. well i know gracia epilogue could be using 3 protocols (146, 148 and 152), and used protocol.bat in order to find it. Got protocol version 152 as answer. Will try to do that again, maybe it have changed now.
  4. Paul, maybe you could try to make bfdr walker ? or it is not possible :/
  5. well maybe your update has failed or something ::) I am using such l2 client:
  6. still hoping that you can help and somehow logint into this server using walker
  7. Paul how about script, maybe it is about to get finished ? :)
  8. Paul, did you have an oppurtunity to login to bfdr server, or script does not work, and it is not possible to login with walker to that server ?
  9. any news with bfdr walker ? It would be really helpfull in that server :)
  10. did you succeed to connect to bfdr server or script is not made yet ?
  11. any news with bfdr bot, or that server is too hard for botting and could not be cracked ? ???
  12. thank you Paul for your time, hopefully you will be able to crack the guard of server :)
  13. Paul could you help me ? I am out of ideas how to make bot work on bfd server :-\
  14. Hello, I think this is very good topic, keep up the good job increasing bot count in all servers 8) I want to ask You to help me too. 1) Server name is: http://www.bfdr.eu/ l2 gracia epilogue (l2j server) 2) Server IP is:, port is 2106 (if it wont work, try 8686 (it was written in l2.ini)). Protocol is 152. 3) Test account information. Acc: ztest psw: testing8 I tried your other walker and to change only ip and protocol, but it does not login to the end, i receive Login GameServer Fail error. Maybe you know how to fix such error ??? Thank you in advance ! And for all, you can get your server protocol by doing three basic steps: 1- make a protocol.bat file. 2- put the following line in the .bat file: l2.exe -L2ProtocolVersion 3- save this file in your lineage2\system folder and run it You will get protocol version in a drop box.
  15. bounty hunter because it looks awesome, it can spoil many nice thingies at has all subclass avaible ::)
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