Trusted my ass , this is AllEyesOnMyPony from Core , well known scammer .
I can see your ip faggot . Get lost .
Retard . You are getting scammed by morons like AllEyesOnMyPony , some italian dushbags etc . You are out of your fuking mind . I bet next thing is u get mad everyone scams you and you start scamming too . 100% trusted my ass . You sold exactly 0 adena or accounts . You just keep getting scammed . Retard.
Nice screen now we know who was him and who are you : Eskimo elf summoner on Core
Time to report you to 4game for buying the account . This is how fuckers like you will get punished , start transfering items out of him , faggo t.
Retard you made a thread to sell a toon for 6 euro ? Are u faking insane ? Give me your paypal to send u 6 euro so u can shut the fuk up already with this bullsh1t server spam , fuking retard , fuck .
I have a skype from Skype conversation and i will post it if Admin asks me . But he will never ask me because here is anarchy and i fucked your slutty mom countless times , biatch .
Please dont act like u r not a scammer .
I can see your IP and u r not from UK .
Third world country rat .
What u scam for ? Get a job allready u lazy parasite piece of a sh1t .
You have the right to up your posts once a day , and stop calling ppl in this community idiots , since u r new , u have to be more than just nice , which is not the case here .