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Everything posted by CriticalError

  1. here not problems, I try add it and worked fine, try with different L2FileEdit like this. L2 File Editor 2a [C4 to Freya]
  2. because the method used for him is disassemble l2.exe and change the variables right there, but it is only l2.exe you must modify the configuration of the server to take the new protocol.
  3. use guides like this, for one reason I do it. [Guide] Adapting Items Between Chronicles [All Chronicles]
  4. ok smart, you think is only way change protocol revision? I do with this way, you don't want belive is your problem, I know can do it and do it for 1 server GF, about the shit says about me, sure you were born knowing everything, never said anything and was always an expert, for persons like you like that we are nowadays.
  5. ok for avoid problems here I remove it, bb
  6. is not needed, I say it work fine without modify it.
  7. [Request] Client Mods Help http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=223419.0
  8. first of all learn where you need put request topics, is wrong section, second you don't use tags [Request], third you can make any change via option panel, video you can change everything. Texture detail Modeling detail Motion detail,etc
  9. ahhh protocol revision of L2.ini puff fail!!!! to say random things to see if they hit, if they have no better idea say nothing, as fools are the protocol is changed from l2.exe for your information.
  10. Locked, decide reupload it PM me for unluck topic.
  11. this is not same, I pack it in 1 file, so all this work in 1 link, read topic and see what I mean, anyway thanks for comments.
  12. follow guides into forum, extract texture of utx and open into Photoshop, there save texture again and select DXT1 ofc, but is not a simple step, just search guides and try do it man.
  13. well the problem is the icon, need be compressed in DXT1
  14. anyway is freaking strange, you patched system? you can use some of here, can found here. [sHARE C4 - Goddess] Patched Systems, File Editors, GG Killers, L2Dat_EncDec!
  15. I use Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bits, I tested in 32 Bits and it worked too, so what type of problem you have? L2.exe stoppped?
  16. well the only thing I found is this. L2.ini [ClippingRange] PawnMax=3.0 PawnMin=1.5 AntiPortal=1.5 Terrain=8.0 StaticMesh=4.0 Projector=0.2 StaticMeshLod=5.0 Pawn=2.0 Actor=4.0 you can try search in user.ini too, there have some values.
  17. so don't spam here, the topic is for users have 100 post or more, is your first warning!! take care, next time will be punished.
  18. you are free to test it, try found answers and make test before ask it bro, is not than hard download something and test before make request or ask for things like that.
  19. I know, he say somebody can remove text, I just do this, nothing more Mix.
  20. please somebody check it and move to correct section. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=223250.0
  21. ummm well I don't have Icarus original retail but here you have painted + crazy glow, have fun. Avatar Weapons [CT2.3]
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