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Everything posted by utko

  1. Have a error = This is correct = if(ask == -900 && reply == 5 ) { if(talker.level >= 75 && talker.subjob_id != 0 && myself::OwnItemCount(talker, @item_name ) >= 100) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @item_name, 100); myself::GiveItem1(talker, @nobless_tiara ,1); myself::SetNobless(talker); myself::ShowPage(talker,"noble_success.htm"); myself::SoundEffect(talker,"ItemSound.quest_finish"); } else { myself::ShowPage(talker,"noble_cannot.htm"); } } if(ask == -900 && reply == 4) { if(talker.level >= 75 && talker.subjob_id == 0 && myself::OwnItemCount(talker, @adena ) >= 50000000) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 50000000); myself::GiveItem1(talker, @mimirs_elixir, 1); myself::GiveItem1( talker, @scrl_of_ench_wp_a, 1 ); myself::SetOneTimeQuestFlag( talker, 235, 1 ); myself::SoundEffect( talker, "ItemSound.quest_finish" ); myself::ShowPage(talker,"subclass_finish.htm"); } else { myself::ShowPage(talker,"subclass_no.htm"); }
  2. It's work for me and everybody that i helped. Put all the files to work in compatibility mode with windows 7 and execute always as an Administrator. Work with the greek version and the english version on windows 8.1 x64.
  3. It's easy: first disable Windows defender. Than put start.exe, admoon.exe and l2.exe (inside your l2 installation) to compatibility mode with Windows 7. It's really important to put the l2.exe to compatibility mode too. It works for me and everybody around here.
  4. Really a nice share, tks, this program is very usefull
  5. only white boxes open
  6. doesnt work in l2off
  7. really dont work in l2off ^^
  8. it doesn't work on most server
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