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Everything posted by kiku

  1. xdem Constant repply , insult , fail attemp of trolling on multiple topics: example1: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/177716-scamm-80-euro-scammer-nicolas%E2%84%A2/ example2: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/176083-resell-server-dedibox-lt15k-2013-xeon-e3-1220-16-gb-2-x-450-gb-sas-15k-raid0/?do=findComment&comment=2338349 Toxic member , please consider ban him
  2. Why i must read guide about compile ? It was a example
  3. Attack the interlocutor instead of his arguments :) in my language is called "fallacy"
  4. You buy a car that seller say is new but have fake counter and have more than 8 years is not scam lock topic. seller is not scamer is smart "ajaaja make me laught " man go to wacht pokemon # When i sent you the source files you didn't even know how to compile them. Go kill youself you too and good luck on your opening All server you advertised dont stand up even for 1 month :) good luck to you too
  5. Previous report: -Scam , sell aparently free pack for 80 eurs: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/177695-nicolas-tm-scammer/page-2 -Deny services that aparently he offer: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/173142-wts-votes-gamesites-200-hopzone-topserver200br-top100arena-mmorpgtoplist-topl2jbrasil/page-4 *He have username and topic were he say offer a service that is not posible to adquire :) = scam ? not but extrange user... http://img.overpic.net/images/g/7/j/xg7j8eyjh7w6upq8ovvvk.png # Now is when his friend Universe come tell you that u are a retard and close your topic. mcx 2014 best cheating forum # To the guy with pokemon avatar you also enter to my topic were i offer support with dedicated to spam. now see you here telling us what is a scam. question: is your business ?
  6. You can read all on screens i sent. so in brief : 1) you dont awser people when ask you details about your service 2) seems like you cant afford votes (you havent enought IPs , your program not work , or whatever) 3) you have bad maners , you can delay hours , or even years to repply . you have previous scamm profile. 4) you telling us you have good reputation , a lot of customers and dont need new one ? So what the sense a guy like you keep his topic here ? @Steewie Im trusted he is the only one with which I have problems. i did many trades , share , and help many people . never meet so greedy guy before the first time this happend to me
  7. You have not time to awser clients but yes time to insult people in this forum sure you must have "hight reputation"
  8. You have fun scaming L2 bad server files too ? yes from our first conversation we can see that im a jerk: "" [03/03/2013 18:13:16] Nicolas™: hey [03/03/2013 18:27:03] madocter madocter: Hi [03/03/2013 18:27:09] madocter madocter: i added you because you sell votes [03/03/2013 18:27:14] madocter madocter: on topzone / hopzone [03/03/2013 21:54:12] madocter madocter: well [03/03/2013 21:54:17] madocter madocter: talk me wen you online. ### [23:21:01] Nicolas™: w/e i am watching movie "
  9. You telling me you have so much customer so you asume you dont need mcx post since you just trolling all people who add you on skype , look man im trying contact you since 2013 is not 6 mins or 2 hours. (screens already posted here 1 , 2) You just admit you dont need this post . you have fun of clients.
  10. We trying contact him since many months he NEVER awser us . what the sense that he keep this post ? . he always stop repply us on skype when we request him service details (tipical from scammers) "im busy" so tipical from scammer also . close this useless topic he should be baned. He is busy to sell what he offer ? no problem , but stop doing bumps and topic should be closed "[23:21:01] Nicolas™: w/e i am watching movie " I repeat , his topic must be removed / closed. he trolling clients and dont sell nothing
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/173142-wts-votes-gamesites-200-hopzone-topserver200br-top100arena-mmorpgtoplist-topl2jbrasil Nicolás™ This guy have topic were he say that is selling stuff but once we pay him or ask for services details he directly ignore , no awser. Its scammer please remove his topic
  12. Nicolás™ http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/173142-wts-votes-gamesites-200-hopzone-topserver200br-top100arena-mmorpgtoplist-topl2jbrasil/page-3 # Ban him this retard say that sell votes buy not reply people on skype since 1 year. he is scammer. please ban him
  13. You dont know that hopzone , topzone change capcha metods , what if someone pursache and meanwhile they change it again ?
  14. Any clue about what chronicles it support , protocols , etc ? also were it can be found ? I found this website but its offline :/ http://web.archive.org/web/20120409070658/http://bigdog888.com/boy20.html
  15. Last day i offer it . price of transfer = 40 Eur - monthly 32 eurs
  16. That is not a price. i preffer cancel or Gif it than sell for that ammount
  17. I didnt sell until now because it was in use. if nobod pursache before day 15 of next month i will give it as GIF to my friend
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