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Everything posted by Aven®

  1. Well he is still saying the truth, u demoted me from forum mod and later on banned me cause i said the truth that the "new gm" was no1 else than one of the players.
  2. you talking about something new, excuse me but i see nothing new between this project and ur previous one, l2 canyon.
  3. exis grapsi auta ta 2 anapoda.
  4. L2 Wargate xDDD
  5. Great elo booster! He boosted my account for 500 elo in a week! He did an awesome job, always available in skype, friendly, with 99% wins and really good scores, he also raised my K/D/A ratio alot! If u r looking for a trusted, proffesional and friendly booster dont hessitate and pm him, u wont regret it!
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