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  1. So, High Five is on the top on the list atm. I'll wait for more of your suggestions :) Noone likes Hellbound, its the forever alone chronicle of Lineage 2.
  2. Ye, but Lindivior servers are not popular nowdays. They never were.
  3. Nobody has a Lindivior server, plus, I played it for 4 hours max.
  4. Hello guys. I'm here to ask you something about a new project. I have 4 months of holidays and i want to invest my time in something. My idea was to start a new project, but i dont know what chronicle i should choose. I'm not a proffessional developer, but i have some skills, so, i think i'm ready to start my own project and make it FREE for EVERYBODY (but with some restrictions). So, theres the question: New project, High Five or Interlude? I know both chronicles very well, i've always played on low rate servers, so, i know how it all works. Help me to choose! Thanks :)
  5. As the title says, i'm looking for a buffer to buy on the server Chronos. (www.lineage2.com) PM me here with the info of the character and the price.
  6. You must enable it on the configs.
  7. Because its for normal characters, not GMs.
  8. First, we are not brazilians, spanish is not the same as portuguese, i dont know if you knew that. Second, we are a NEW server and we could fix stuff faster if you help us reporting stuff instead of crying and saying bullsh1ts about our server. And third, you are right, if the people that will join to my server is like you, please, dont waste your time here.
  9. New updates and stuff! Join us and see what's new! http://l2forward.com Our community is growing day by day! Also, we're on HopZone and TopZone now, and we have a GREAT vote reward system!! Thanks a lot for your support guys, and thanks you Blue305 for trusting us :)
  10. Thanks for the support guys! New updates incoming!
  11. Thanks guys :)
  12. Thanks for that feedback, I appreciate that :) We're working on some cool features, so, you'll see that bishops could use the shout channel :P Yes, the server was added, we're waiting for the approval.
  13. Thanks :)
  14. The achievements manager was made by me I stole the idea from another achievements manager who someone was selling here, in the forum, and i couldnt afford it, so i just made it by myself :P
  15. Thanks :) New updates incoming!
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