L2J Archid team has officially opened a PTS (Public Test Server).
- It is public
- It will always be running the latest revision
- It is running on great machine
- It will be non-stop
Very special thanx to xarper from MxC for providing his server machine to host this up! You're the man xD
By the time you have a patched system folder ... download this archive and put the 2 files included in there.
SO...from now on whoever wants to help us just go there and search for bugs. That's why opened it! From now on we will wait for more reports due to the fact you have a place to test now.
Hostname : s3.lineage2freeeze.com
Port : 7778
NOTE! We changed the port from 7777 to 7778! DO NOT forget to change that too in your client!
Archid Team [A-Style, VaGo, KidZor]
PS. This is a PTS server, wich means there will be no backups and server might come down any moment. Check Server's changes in L2j-Archid's Timeline
- Links:
[Related Link in L2J-Archid's Forum]
[L2J-Archid FORUM]
L2J-Archid Credits:
L2J Archid is a project based on L2J Project which soon after it's launch it became one of the best interlude packs on the net. As far as all developing teams upgraded to Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia, Interlude has been left undone. L2j Archid is willing to complete it with all it's features fully working!
The pack still has misses and bugs but we're working on it, updating the code daily with new fixes and add-ons.