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About xarper

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  1. That dude is amazing. Very fast and reliable! thumbs up for his adena store!
  2. L2J Archid team has officially opened a PTS (Public Test Server). - It is public - It will always be running the latest revision - It is running on great machine - It will be non-stop Very special thanx to xarper from MxC for providing his server machine to host this up! You're the man xD By the time you have a patched system folder ... download this archive and put the 2 files included in there. Link: [L2j-Archid_PTS.rar] SO...from now on whoever wants to help us just go there and search for bugs. That's why opened it! From now on we will wait for more reports due to the fact you have a place to test now. Hostname : s3.lineage2freeeze.com Port : 7778 NOTE! We changed the port from 7777 to 7778! DO NOT forget to change that too in your client! Cheers, Archid Team [A-Style, VaGo, KidZor] PS. This is a PTS server, wich means there will be no backups and server might come down any moment. Check Server's changes in L2j-Archid's Timeline - Links: [Related Link in L2J-Archid's Forum] [sVN] [trAC] [L2J-Archid FORUM] L2J-Archid Credits: L2J Archid is a project based on L2J Project which soon after it's launch it became one of the best interlude packs on the net. As far as all developing teams upgraded to Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia, Interlude has been left undone. L2j Archid is willing to complete it with all it's features fully working! The pack still has misses and bugs but we're working on it, updating the code daily with new fixes and add-ons.
  3. yes a-style it's singlehop. But i already got you a box to use. talk with vago he'll inform you... http://devs-spot.com/index.php?topic=266.0
  4. You can check this link too if you want to... http://mcsord.visualware.com/myspeed/db/report?id=78346
  5. I just re-uploaded the pic bcuz I wasn't sure if they keep them. ok with this link....(?)line is busy atm that's why I got lower results http://www.speedtest.net/result/357909808.png
  6. an i erotisi sou einai omws an 8a plirwsw to atomo pou psaxnw loipon, oxi. Eipa psaxnw kapoion gia na sinergastw kai na arxisw afto to projext...oxi kapoin ipalilo na tou pw ti na kanei. O server aftos 8a einai dikos tou oso kai dikos mou.
  7. I don't think I have to quote my self...anyways I said I'm looking for someone to start this project with and COOPERATE. I don't want an emlpoyee or something to tell him what to do. This server will be HIS as much as mine.
  8. file mou afta einai action-reaction twra...exw ena metrio box se kali grammi pou mporei na sikwsei kapoia atoma...ama o server mazepsei kosmo kai xreiasto box akrivoter pou den 8a mporw na to plirwnw monos mou fisiko einai na anoiksoume donates. ta simperasmata dika sou.
  9. I already own a server for a local internet cafe (http://lineage2freeeze.com). Now I'm planning on making a gracia server wich is going to be 100% modded. Most of you would be wondering what I mean. Well, just to give you an idea....I've deleted the whole spawn list and I'll spawn mobs in the areas I want players to farm/xp. The rates will be theoriticaly x10k but practicly, in the server's configs will remain at 1x. For the xp I'll mod the xp given by each mob so I can completely control each area. Example No.2 - Every class will be modded to it's maximum. This server is going to be something completely different than the lineage we all know. I'm sick of seeing new servers opening and all of them is the same lineage we all play so long with the difference of the high xp rates. Concluding, I'm looking for someone who I can COOPERATE with to make this server. I'm open minded in propositions. For example...even the pack we're going to use is going to be discussed. I've seen a lot of skilled guyz in here to start something like that but I don't know who is willing to do it or is available.
  10. Exw idi ena server pou sikwsa gia ena internet cafe (http://lineage2freeeze.com). Sikwnw loipon enan gracia server paralila alla aftos 8a einai 100% modded. Ti ennow? P.X. Exw kanei delete ola ta spawns kai 8a vgalw mobs mono se sigkekrimena areas. O server 8a einai 8ewritika x10k. Praktika sta settings tou server 8a ton afisw x1 kai 8a modarw to xp pou dinei to ka8e mob. P.X.No.2 - Ta classes 8a modaristoun kai den 8a exoun kamia sxesi me to l2 pu oloi kseroume. Vare8ika na vlepw na anoigoun server oi opoioi einai to lineage pou pezoume tosa xronia me apla anevasmena rates. Psaxnw loipon 1 atomo me ton opoio 8a sinergastw gia tin dimiourgia aftou tou server. Den me noiazei na mou peite kserw java coding,sql scripting,php, ktl..an den mporeite na ta vgalete afta panw se enan l2j server. Eimai anoixtos se protaseis. Dld me to atomo pou 8a sinergastw 8a sizitisoume akoma kai poio pack 8a xrisimopoihsoume. Exw dei edw mesa atoma pou exoun skills gia na arxisoume kati tetoio alla den kserw kata poso einai dia8esimos kai pro8imos o ka8enas.
  11. - Site: l2cult.v1rtual.co.uk - L2 the way it should be - Server Rules: -- No bug exploitation is allowed -- Third party programs are strictly forbidden -- Begging for items and other stuff to the GMs results 30 minutes character improssonment -- Harrassing other players is not humane...other players are people too who enjoy our lineage world, you don't have to be an ass and hurt them mentaly -- No client editting is allowed too -- Advertising other server is not permitted -- Scamming newbies results 10 minutes character imprissonment -- Spamming Shout chat results 10 minutes chat ban Connect Guide : Lineage 2 Interlude Download Lineage Cult System folder Download Patch - System - Needed to connect to our server Download Textures Download Patch - Textures - Needed to see our custom armors/weapons Download Patch for kamael loading screen Kamael Loading screen Download Lineage 2 Download Lineage Full - Interlude Client - Staff : v1rtual - Admin Hesstent - Game Master / Graphic Designer Meredi - noob with access Forum Link Here (Site's not ready Yet so I use a ready-made one)
  12. elso me ta hidden gamw tin panagia mou...
  13. Eimai mesa....steilte mou HTML pros metafrash kai egw 8a thn kanw :D
  14. Don't be THAT sure....the guy who leaked the c4 files is sucking scripts and geodata C5 atm...
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