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Posts posted by ZlipDaZup

  1. Mr.Thunder as you see, you have one very good comment from a player.


    You are one of the most balanced servers these days, and you should take this chance to don't dissapoint your players.


    Keep your good balance, have fun and good luck!


    His servers is really cool, To be honest i get surprised when i saw that server is close to retail.... but as i said there are some things that he needs to fix out!

  2. I tested ur server and made sure that's the most balanced l2j hight-rate server i ever played (Didn't played many pvp servers cause of their shity balance but nevermind, especialy 2). There are some things that u need to fix like Daggers need a lil-nerfed to their blows-land rate neither mirage.


    Have fun & Good luck.

  3. [Gr]Tou kOzA einai o server.Alla giati oloi lete koza server kai koza server?Magkes 8a ginete ean ton nikisete sto server tou opws eixame kanei kapoia paidia se enan starwars server l2lastresort if i remember correctly.Loipon phgente pai3te kai mhn klegeste alliws mpeite interlude.pro.



    By playing in a server that u already know who will dominate it cause of its corruption, you're just getting fun with urself and if you cannot respect yourself u ain't even ready to respect no one else.

  4. im wondering how the hell you are always crying about ats,lol nabz,


    GR: o server dn einai t koza,oso gia t augments exei kathe mera 30 min p oi ls einai 100% stamatiste epitelous na klegeste s kathe server k na lete koza server,mn prizete ta @@ kathenos


    top 1 cryer-AboveMyDna



    You didn't read my reply well, By opening ur own server and getting ur clan over it you just proove, how stupid gr33k can u be and guess. Gr33ks are the most retarded players in the world even more than brazilians nowdays. What if u dominate ur own server? Will you level-up?.......Stupidity nowdays starts to spread rapidly.

  5. Im wondering how the hell the whole ATS has hero glow and they're full agumented even more im wondering how these gr33k peoples are so stupid to keep playing in a corrupted server that made by an unexperience admin that gearing up his clan to make some starwars video at youtube. Since they never did something usefull in l2 history they decided to open their server to making their own crap l2history! You guys are more poor than the gipsy boys, No shits!  :-\

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