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Everything posted by Aforic

  1. 2.5k games + activity on forums + your age == tells me a lot about your social life hahahahahahahaha
  2. got 2x paysafecards of 50 euro which I want to exchange for money on paypal. pm me with a-beep-t that you can offer. p.s : not going first p.s2 : don't lock the topic because I haven't request any topic and 2nd, if you don't like a trade, don't it but don't go around locking peoples topics just because you don't agree terms of trade
  3. go cry somewhere else
  4. Not sure if stupid or stupid or stupid because you didn't read topic: [5:31:09 PM] Paysafecard2Paypal: ok listen to me [5:31:15 PM] Paysafecard2Paypal: At the first paysafecard [5:31:20 PM] Paysafecard2Paypal: you have to go first, and after [5:31:22 PM] Paysafecard2Paypal: you can [5:31:28 PM] Paysafecard2Paypal: go scond [5:31:30 PM] John Test: sorry but I don't go first as I specified in my topic. [5:32:49 PM] Paysafecard2Paypal: ok [5:33:16 PM] Paysafecard2Paypal: so I cant make the trades because i dont want [5:33:17 PM] Paysafecard2Paypal: to [5:33:26 PM] John Test: ok then, good luck [5:33:42 PM] Paysafecard2Paypal: bye After 5 min you pm me back telling you to enter in my pc and watch my pscard and I tell you yes but you still don't want to give first, fuck off my thread
  5. you mean go cry to your mommy? hahaha
  6. beware... talking about ddos in forums is against the rules... you might wake up with another -1 hahahha
  7. And it's my fault that he got banned for dont know what reason? At the moment given upon that time, he was user so doesn't applies to your 0 logics and stop spamming my thread.
  8. Don't care, I have the right to put my own rules, don't like them? Don't trade me, fair and simple. And don't call me scammer, I have done trades here before with people going 1st on me : http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=240909.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=242424.0
  9. Because I don't agree to go first? read topic before adding people.
  10. I got 2x paysafecards of 50 euro which I want to exchange for money on paypal. pm me with amount that you can offer. p.s : not going first
  11. deliric e de vina
  12. go donate lol, not everything it's free
  13. ia si continua, daca ai cap de asa ceva
  14. Am scris versuri cu sange, Da' din greseala Am sters cu lacrimi de inger Si-a ramas foaia goala, Si-acum foaia plange...Ii e dor de cerneala, De silabe cand accente..cad pe vocala. Revenind pe acelasi flow, ritmul e prea perplex Iar acest lucru iti creeza circumvolutiuni convexe pe cortex
  15. dar hai... pentru raule 1 rima mica te intrebi de ce folosesc o exprimare dura sunt facut de asa natura sa te fut in gura
  16. Imi aprofundez cunostintele de c++ si java, deci sunt ocupat, nu mai am timp de chestii din astea.
  17. dev what? sausages? I know how to make some good burritos, I compile them adding pepper and some the taste.exe is juicy
  18. Scammer, go demote + ban him.
  19. mai baga 5 posturi si o sa ai leet
  20. Nu, dar stiu sa fac mascatii FUD ( fully undetectable ) cand iti vin la usa cu colinda si cu berbecul.
  21. I don't understand the term of "soon", can you define it?
  22. dead section is dead section
  23. so no free things around, if you want something go pay for it
  24. y u no answer my question
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