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About Freebot

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  • Country
    United States

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  1. Can you please reupload the photos?
  2. Does anyone have a Dominator or Dreadnought PvP Script for L2 Tower?
  3. Didn't like the enchant system or buffer. Not for me, if I join 5000 rate server, I prefer easy buffer system and easy enchant system, if not its not really a true high rate. Maybe it should be called mid rate, that system seems more fitting for it. good luck though
  4. Yeah, I have seen that too. Anyone know how to make L2Tower use "melee" attack only for PvP? Seems I can only attack with skills in PvP.
  5. None, I stay Freya on PvP Craze.
  6. Must be really good if you need 350 to see. :(
  7. Anything or suggestions for Bishop would be nice, thanks for any who reply. Especially small bugs/exploits that help.
  8. I use L2 Divine, I like it more, and forums I prefer better for help
  9. I always used this system Enchant # of weapons to +10 then go whatever makes it to +16
  10. I know it is hidden, but a question.. Is this a vote program for players to get rewards? or for Server to get votes on Rating sites?
  11. Thanks Man, good programs
  12. Thanks Mang! it worked for me
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