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About eLneciO

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  1. I have made a script to go from giran to dragon valley using the GK since that doesn't works for me since C4 The script is NPCSEL(Clarissa[ID=7080]) NPCDLG(Clarissa[ID=7080]) DLGSEL(Go to another village) DLGSEL(Dragon Valley Caves - 15000) You can make it easy with the ingame walker I hope this script gona help you if you have another solution share it please ^^ PS: sorry for bad english
  2. maxtor can you explain what this patcher do cause i don't understand russ ^^ thx :)
  3. Hi everyone, I have a big problem with the GK with this walker when i take the GK from anywhere I go to Talking island :/ Does anyone have the same problem ? is there a solution ? Thx :) ps:sorry for bad english ^^
  4. I try this morning and no problem with ban :p
  5. Hi, can you explain with you eat a ban, because before they was no problem :p ?? ?
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