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About ProTeaM

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  1. Events = Phoenix Engine: 20 Euro http://maisumevento.com/Events.xml Buffshop = 40 Euro: http://maisumevento.com/buffshop.properties Achievements: 10 Euro: http://maisumevento.com/achievements.xml
  2. the server is not 100%, just ncsoft is 100% .. but what's been added to the server, this 100%
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELLING INTERLUDE PROFESSIONAL FILES + SOURCE + CATSGUARD + GEODATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - BOSSES - Queen Ant - Tested 100% Core - Tested 100% Orfen - Tested 100% Zakens - Tested 100% Baium - Tested 100% Antharas - Tested 100% Valakas - Tested 100% Frintezza Tested 100% - EVENTS- http://maisumevento.com/Events.xml Team Vs Team - Tested 100% Capture the Flagh - Tested 100% DeathMatch - Tested 100% Last Man Standing - Tested 100% Lucky Chests - Tested 100% Russian Roulette - Tested 100% - MODS- Buffshop - Tested 100% http://maisumevento.com/buffshop.properties PvP Rank System - Tested 100% Chaotic Zone - Tested 100% Achievements System - Tested 100% http://maisumevento.com/achievements.xml Aio System - Tested 100% - NPCS- AIO Seller - Tested 100% Symbol Maker - Tested 100% GM Shop - Tested 100% Donater Shop - Tested 100% GateKeeper - Tested 100% Event Engine - Tested 100% Achievement Engine - Tested 100% Siege Register - Tested 100% PK Protector - Tested 100% - PRICE- 60E - Compiled 80E - Source - CONTACT- To TEST SERVER add me on:
  4. I 'reinstall' the mod, and I remembered that in LUCERA this method "ExecuteTask" has not if you need my source, i send for you... MY IMG CODE: MY CODE: public void runPvpTask(L2PcInstance player, L2Character target) { if(RankPvpSystemConfig.RANK_PVP_SYSTEM_ENABLED) { if(player != null && target != null && target instanceof L2PcInstance) { // set Victim handler for Killer //setTarget((L2PcInstance)target); // [not required] // set Killer handler for Victim ((L2PcInstance)target).getRankPvpSystemPc().setTarget(player); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().executeTask(new RankPvpSystemPvpTask(player, (L2PcInstance)target)); } } } MY ThreadPoolManager package ru.catssoftware.gameserver; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import ru.catssoftware.Config; import ru.catssoftware.gameserver.mmocore.ReceivablePacket; import ru.catssoftware.gameserver.network.L2GameClient; import ru.catssoftware.gameserver.threadmanager.L2ThreadFactory; import ru.catssoftware.gameserver.threadmanager.ScheduledFutureWrapper; import ru.catssoftware.util.concurrent.L2RejectedExecutionHandler; public final class ThreadPoolManager { private static final long MAX_DELAY = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(Long.MAX_VALUE - System.nanoTime()) / 2; private static final ThreadPoolManager _instance = new ThreadPoolManager(); public static ThreadPoolManager getInstance() { return _instance; } private final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor _general = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(Config.GENERAL_THREAD_POOL_SIZE, new L2ThreadFactory("ThreadPool(General)", Thread.NORM_PRIORITY), new L2RejectedExecutionHandler()); private final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor _moving = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(Config.GENERAL_THREAD_POOL_SIZE, new L2ThreadFactory("ThreadPool(Moving)", Thread.NORM_PRIORITY), new L2RejectedExecutionHandler()); private final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor _effect = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(Config.EFFECT_THREAD_POOL_SIZE, new L2ThreadFactory("ThreadPool(Effect)", Thread.NORM_PRIORITY+1), new L2RejectedExecutionHandler()); private final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor _ai = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(Config.AI_THREAD_POOL_SIZE, new L2ThreadFactory("ThreadPool(AI)", Thread.NORM_PRIORITY), new L2RejectedExecutionHandler()); private final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor _pcai = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(Config.AI_THREAD_POOL_SIZE, new L2ThreadFactory("ThreadPool(PCAI)", Thread.NORM_PRIORITY+3), new L2RejectedExecutionHandler()); private final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor _lsgs = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(10, new L2ThreadFactory("ThreadPool(LSGS)", Thread.NORM_PRIORITY), new L2RejectedExecutionHandler()); private final ThreadPoolExecutor _packet = new ThreadPoolExecutor(Config.PACKET_THREAD_POOL_SIZE, Config.PACKET_THREAD_POOL_SIZE, 1L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), new L2ThreadFactory("Executor(Packet)", Thread.MAX_PRIORITY), new L2RejectedExecutionHandler()); private ThreadPoolManager() { } public final void startPurgeTask(long period) { scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new PurgeTask(), period, period); } private final class PurgeTask implements Runnable { public void run() { purge(); } } private final long validate(long delay) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(MAX_DELAY, delay)); } public ScheduledFuture<?> schedule(Runnable r, long delay) { return new ScheduledFutureWrapper(_general.schedule(r, validate(delay), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } public void executeLSGSPacket(Runnable r) { _lsgs.execute(r); } public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable r, long delay, long period) { return new ScheduledFutureWrapper(_general.scheduleAtFixedRate(r, validate(delay), validate(period), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleGeneral(Runnable r, long delay) { if(delay<= 0 ) { _general.execute(r); return null; } return new ScheduledFutureWrapper(_general.schedule(r, validate(delay), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(Runnable r, long delay, long period) { return new ScheduledFutureWrapper(_general.scheduleAtFixedRate(r, validate(delay), validate(period), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } public void executeGeneral(Runnable r) { _general.execute(r); } public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleEffect(Runnable r, long delay) { return new ScheduledFutureWrapper(_effect.schedule(r, validate(delay), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleEffectAtFixedRate(Runnable r, long delay, long period) { return new ScheduledFutureWrapper(_effect.scheduleAtFixedRate(r, validate(delay), validate(period), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } public void executeEffect(Runnable r) { _effect.execute(r); } public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleAi(Runnable r, long delay, boolean pc) { if(pc) return new ScheduledFutureWrapper(_pcai.schedule(r, validate(delay), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); return new ScheduledFutureWrapper(_ai.schedule(r, validate(delay), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleAiAtFixedRate(Runnable r, long delay, long period, boolean pc) { if (pc) return new ScheduledFutureWrapper(_pcai.scheduleAtFixedRate(r, validate(delay), validate(period), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); return new ScheduledFutureWrapper(_ai.scheduleAtFixedRate(r, validate(delay), validate(period), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } public void executeAi(Runnable r) { _ai.execute(r); } public void executePacket(Runnable r) { _packet.execute(r); } public CharSequence getStats() { StringBuilder list = new StringBuilder(); String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator"); list.append("ThreadPool (General)" + newline); list.append("=================================================" + newline); list.append("\tgetActiveCount: ...... " + _general.getActiveCount() + newline); list.append("\tgetCorePoolSize: ..... " + _general.getCorePoolSize() + newline); list.append("\tgetPoolSize: ......... " + _general.getPoolSize() + newline); list.append("\tgetLargestPoolSize: .. " + _general.getLargestPoolSize() + newline); list.append("\tgetMaximumPoolSize: .. " + _general.getMaximumPoolSize() + newline); list.append("\tgetCompletedTaskCount: " + _general.getCompletedTaskCount() + newline); list.append("\tgetQueuedTaskCount: .. " + _general.getQueue().size() + newline); list.append("\tgetTaskCount: ........ " + _general.getTaskCount() + newline); list.append(newline); list.append("ThreadPool (Effects)" + newline); list.append("=================================================" + newline); list.append("\tgetActiveCount: ...... " + _effect.getActiveCount() + newline); list.append("\tgetCorePoolSize: ..... " + _effect.getCorePoolSize()+ newline); list.append("\tgetPoolSize: ......... " + _effect.getPoolSize() + newline); list.append("\tgetLargestPoolSize: .. " + _effect.getLargestPoolSize() + newline); list.append("\tgetMaximumPoolSize: .. " + _effect.getMaximumPoolSize() + newline); list.append("\tgetCompletedTaskCount: " + _effect.getCompletedTaskCount() + newline); list.append("\tgetQueuedTaskCount: .. " + _effect.getQueue().size() + newline); list.append("\tgetTaskCount: ........ " + _effect.getTaskCount() + newline); list.append(newline); list.append("ThreadPool (AI)" + newline); list.append("=================================================" + newline); list.append("\tgetActiveCount: ...... " + _ai.getActiveCount() + newline); list.append("\tgetCorePoolSize: ..... " + _ai.getCorePoolSize() + newline); list.append("\tgetPoolSize: ......... " + _ai.getPoolSize() + newline); list.append("\tgetLargestPoolSize: .. " + _ai.getLargestPoolSize() + newline); list.append("\tgetMaximumPoolSize: .. " + _ai.getMaximumPoolSize() + newline); list.append("\tgetCompletedTaskCount: " + _ai.getCompletedTaskCount() + newline); list.append("\tgetQueuedTaskCount: .. " + _ai.getQueue().size() + newline); list.append("\tgetTaskCount: ........ " + _ai.getTaskCount() + newline); list.append(newline); list.append("ThreadPoolExecutor (Packet)" + newline); return list; } private boolean _inshutdown = false; public void shutdown() { _inshutdown = true; _general.shutdown(); _effect.shutdown(); _ai.shutdown(); _pcai.shutdown(); _moving.shutdown(); _lsgs.shutdown(); _packet.shutdown(); System.out.println("ThreadPoolManager: all threads stopped"); } public void purge() { _general.purge(); _effect.purge(); _ai.purge(); _pcai.purge(); _moving.purge(); _packet.purge(); } public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleMove(Runnable r, long delay) { return new ScheduledFutureWrapper(_moving.schedule(r, validate(delay), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleMoveAtFixedRate(Runnable r, long delay, long period) { return new ScheduledFutureWrapper(_general.scheduleAtFixedRate(r, validate(delay), validate(period), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } public static class PriorityThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory { private int _prio; private String _name; private AtomicInteger _threadNumber = new AtomicInteger(1); private ThreadGroup _group; public PriorityThreadFactory(String name, int prio) { _prio = prio; _name = name; _group = new ThreadGroup(_name); } @Override public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread t = new Thread(_group, r); t.setName(_name + "-" + _threadNumber.getAndIncrement()); t.setPriority(_prio); return t; } public ThreadGroup getGroup() { return _group; } } public void executeIOPacket(ReceivablePacket<L2GameClient> r) { executePacket(r); } public boolean isShutdown() { return _inshutdown; } }
  5. DEBUG: CODE: else if(param.startsWith("RewardList:")) { log.info("DEBUG: Enter Reward list"); System.out.println("DEBUG: param: "+param); try { int rankId = Integer.valueOf(command.split(":", 2)[2].trim().split(",", 2)[0].trim()); int pageNo = Integer.valueOf(command.split(":", 1)[2].trim().split(",", 2)[1].trim()); log.info("DEBUG: Try: Success RankId" +rankId + " pageNo "+pageNo); log.info("DEBUG: param: "+param); RankPvpSystemRewardList.sendPage(activeChar, pageNo, rankId); } catch(Exception e) { log.info(e.getMessage()); } log.info("DEBUG: Exit Reward list"); }
  6. I have a problem to adapt the PvP Rank for Lucera Please, help me! <3 IMG 1: IMG2: CODE:
  7. Hello, my account donator was hacked ... and sent a lot of virus to the forum with it, you could unban it? already changed my password: account: snyper ® sorry my bad english, by translator;
  8. SERVIDOR 500X - NO CUSTOM SITE: WWW.L2BIG.COM FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/events/605594316177911 VIDEO PROMO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QjOsi5gbOI Informações do Servidor - Rate: 500 xp 500 sp 500 adena - Boss: 2x - Enchant: 65% - Blessed Scroll Enchant: 80% - Safe: +4 - Max. Enchant: +16 - Buff Time: 2h - Sistema Offline de Vendas [ Venda seus itens Offline ] - Sistema Offline de Buff [ Venda Buffs Offline ] - Sistema de Metas [ Cumpra metas e ganhe prêmios ] Eventos Automaticos Team vs Team, Capture the Flag, DeathMatch, Last Man Standing, Lucky Chests, Russian Roulette. Sistema Anti-Bot, Sistema Anti-Hacker, Sistema Anti-DDoS Bloquiado: L2Net, L2Tower, L2Walker, CP Reload, etc O Backup é feito a cada 1 hora, para garantiar a segurança dos dados do servidor L2BiG Info Está disponível em todas as cidades do jogo o npc L2BiG Info, nele você encontra todas as informações sobre o servidor. Global Gatekeepers Estão disponíveis NPCs de teleporte em todas as cidades. A GK Global Hyperion contém os teleportes para todos os mapas jogo. Shops e NPCs Está disponivel no jogo o NPC Athena. Na Athena você encontra todos os itens, desde itens grade "D" até itens "S" além de scrolls, potions, consumables, etc. O Erato é responsável pela venda e troca das tattoos customizadas do servidor. No BiG Trader você encontra os itens de doador, os quais podem ser obtidos através de doação ou pela votação nos Top's. O NPC Kratos é responsavel pelos registros em sieges Buffers A duração dos buffs no servidor é de 2 horas, e estão disponiveis em todas as cidades NPCs BiG Buffer, onde la voce encontrara os principais buffs Áreas de UPs O Char ja inicia em um local especifico para Up até o nivel 35, após esse nivel indicamos que mude para a area "Low Lvl UP", la o XP/SP/Adena é customizado Áreas de Farm Existem duas áreas customizadas para farm no servidor. Para quem está começando a área mais indicada é "TOI 11, Low Farm", onde você encontrará mobs level 70, 75 e 80 com drops de adenas customizados. Para quem já está em um nível intermediário e veteranos, "Cruma 1,2,3" são as mais indicadas, possuindo drops de itens S, recipes S, enchants e drops de adenas customizados.
  9. you have server pack with all your features? BuffShop + Events? send private mensagem to me, with price if your have more some mods on your pack, please tell me about and include on price
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