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About krets

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  1. hi guys/girls The link to l2w dont work can some one share it?
  2. love yaaa xD gr8 share, ty very much. happy botting =)
  3. Thx for that, OGG is fine but im more intressed in IG bot, is it cracked yet or ?
  4. Hi all Im looking for an bot for official servers, for gracia 2 pls help :)
  5. Can someone tell me how to make l2walker work at retail ? i got l2asrv ver0[1].51 and eL2Walker2.05 but cant make my char start grinding. Is there anything else i need? I guess this is the best you can help a newbei whit :D
  6. omg if u can bot there, what is the problem ? Bot 2 - 3 chars 24/7 and collent adena and sell the drops u get. Make sure that 1 of those chars is a spoiler and spoil after ewc,mithril ore, ewb.
  7. I would like to know if anyone tryed this on l2frienz ( l2roxy ) and if it does work there?
  8. spammmmmm
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