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<< Masterio >>

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Everything posted by << Masterio >>

  1. KillerPvpStats <- this is the claas from my package, just correct imports check if u have this line in imports: import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.masteriopack.rankpvpsystem.KillerPvpStats; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.masteriopack.rankpvpsystem.PvpTable; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.masteriopack.rankpvpsystem.RankPvpSystemConfig;
  2. // Rank PvP System by Masterio: if(RankPvpSystemConfig.NICK_COLOR_ENABLED || RankPvpSystemConfig.TITLE_COLOR_ENABLED) { KillerPvpStats activeCharPvpStats = PvpTable.getInstance().getKillerPvpStats(activeChar.getObjectId()); if(RankPvpSystemConfig.NICK_COLOR_ENABLED) { activeChar.getAppearance().setNameColor(activeCharPvpStats.getRank().getNickColor()); } if(RankPvpSystemConfig.TITLE_COLOR_ENABLED) { activeChar.getAppearance().setTitleColor(activeCharPvpStats.getRank().getTitleColor()); } } i removed some lines you can paste it there. If you have objections, write here.
  3. RPS 3.7.4 for H5, H5 Beta, Freya, Frozen, aCis. Thx for using ;)
  4. 1. I repeat, it is ONLY for H5 Chrinicles, I will fit it to lower chronicles after beta tests. 2. New revision: Download
  5. RPS 3.7.2 for l2j server h5 and l2j server h5 beta. Download
  6. BTW. It was not DC it was Client Crash ;) This crash can happened when htm file have missing tag or error. I will check again all htm files, for sure ;)
  7. send me on PM this rpc_reward table i will check it. Do u mean manually executed CREATE TABLE query from my file or u created this table from table creator in navicat? U should check all fields types and remember about auto-increment id field.
  8. Are you use default configuration or you changed something? Because i haven't any DC, can you describe what have you done in few steps? For me works.
  9. Like i sad, it is for stable revision if it will works i will fit it to all chronicles included l2jserver Beta too. ;)
  10. I share RPS 3.7.0 BETA for l2j serever (H5) stable revision (r:5937) to tests. What's new? Because I reworked a lot of code, I am waiting for reports about bugs, stability etc. Have fun ;) DOWNLOAD http://www.4shared.com/rar/WJJEMfeF/rps_h5_v370_BETA.html PS: When this beta revision will be tested, I will fit it to other l2j server chronicles.
  11. Preview of 3.7.0. I still reworking some things, it can take some time. Thanks for using ;)
  12. I have no time for add removed features by acis team. so you must add it on your own ;)
  13. Should be possible, i will try add this in next rev. ;)
  14. New version only for H5 chronicle now i go pass exams when i back i will do it for all chronicles. Temporary DeathManager fix for Frozen: replace java file in my package: /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.masteriopack.rankpvpsystem; import javolution.text.TextBuilder; import javolution.util.FastMap; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.Inventory; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2ItemInstance; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; /** * @author Masterio * */ public class RankPvpSystemDeathMgr { //private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(CustomPvpSystemDeathMgr.class.getName()); private L2PcInstance _killer = null; private L2PcInstance _victim = null; //store killer data, (anti-change target protection). //data updating on every kill. private int _killerLevel = 0; private int _killerClassId = 0; private int _killerCurrentCP = 0; private int _killerCurrentHP = 0; private int _killerCurrentMP = 0; private int _killerMaxCP = 0; private int _killerMaxHP = 0; private int _killerMaxMP = 0; /** [slot_id, killer_item] */ private FastMap<Integer, KillerItem> _killerItems = new FastMap<>(); /** * Always use this constructor as default! * @param killer * @param victim */ public RankPvpSystemDeathMgr(L2PcInstance killer, L2PcInstance victim) { _killer = killer; _victim = victim; _killerLevel = killer.getLevel(); _killerClassId = killer.getClassId().getId(); _killerCurrentCP = (int) killer.getCurrentCp(); _killerCurrentHP = (int) killer.getCurrentHp(); _killerCurrentMP = (int) killer.getCurrentMp(); _killerMaxCP = killer.getMaxCp(); _killerMaxHP = killer.getMaxHp(); _killerMaxMP = killer.getMaxMp(); // load item killer list: if(_killer != null && RankPvpSystemConfig.DEATH_MANAGER_SHOW_ITEMS_ENABLED) { _killerItems = getKillerItems(); } } /** * Send HTML response to dead player (victim). */ public void sendVictimResponse() { NpcHtmlMessage n = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); n.setHtml(victimHtmlResponse().toString()); _victim.sendPacket(n); } private TextBuilder victimHtmlResponse() { TextBuilder tb = new TextBuilder(); TextBuilder tb_weapon = new TextBuilder(); TextBuilder tb_armor = new TextBuilder(); TextBuilder tb_jewel = new TextBuilder(); TextBuilder tb_other = new TextBuilder(); tb.append("<html><title>"+_killer.getName()+" Equipment informations</title><body><center>"); tb.append("<table width=270 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=000000>"); tb.append("<tr><td width=270 height=18 align=center><font color=ae9977>Killer Name (lvl):</font> "+getKiller().getName()+" ("+_killerLevel+")</td></tr>"); tb.append("<tr><td width=270 height=18 align=center><font color=ae9977>Killer Class:</font> "+RankPvpSystemUtil.getClassName(_killerClassId)+"</td></tr>"); tb.append("<tr><td FIXWIDTH=270 HEIGHT=4><img src=\"L2UI.Squaregray\" width=\"270\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>"); tb.append("</table>"); tb.append("<table width=270 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=000000>"); tb.append("<tr><td width=270 height=18 align=center><font color=ae9977>CP:</font> <font color=FFF000>"+_killerCurrentCP+" / "+_killerMaxCP+"</font></td></tr>"); tb.append("<tr><td width=270 height=18 align=center><font color=ae9977>HP:</font> <font color=FF0000>"+_killerCurrentHP+" / "+_killerMaxHP+"</font><font color=ae9977>, MP:</font> <font color=2080D0>"+_killerCurrentMP+"/"+_killerMaxMP+"</font></td></tr>"); tb.append("<tr><td FIXWIDTH=270 HEIGHT=4><img src=\"L2UI.Squaregray\" width=\"270\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>"); tb.append("<tr><td width=270 height=12></td></tr>"); tb.append("</table>"); // show item list: if(RankPvpSystemConfig.DEATH_MANAGER_SHOW_ITEMS_ENABLED){ tb.append("<table width=270 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=000000>"); if(getKiller() != null) { // create groups headers: tb_weapon.append("<tr><td width=270 height=18 align=center><font color=2080D0>Weapon / Shield</font></td></tr>"); tb_armor.append("<tr><td width=270 height=18 align=center><font color=2080D0>Armor</font></td></tr>"); tb_jewel.append("<tr><td width=270 height=18 align=center><font color=2080D0>Jewellery</font></td></tr>"); tb_other.append("<tr><td width=270 height=18 align=center><font color=2080D0>Other</font></td></tr>"); // create group separator: tb_weapon.append("<tr><td FIXWIDTH=270 HEIGHT=3><img src=\"L2UI.Squaregray\" width=\"270\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>"); tb_armor.append("<tr><td FIXWIDTH=270 HEIGHT=3><img src=\"L2UI.Squaregray\" width=\"270\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>"); tb_jewel.append("<tr><td FIXWIDTH=270 HEIGHT=3><img src=\"L2UI.Squaregray\" width=\"270\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>"); tb_other.append("<tr><td FIXWIDTH=270 HEIGHT=3><img src=\"L2UI.Squaregray\" width=\"270\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>"); // add items to groups: for (FastMap.Entry<Integer, KillerItem> e = _killerItems.head(), end = _killerItems.tail(); (e = e.getNext()) != end;) { if(e.getValue()._group == 1) { tb_weapon.append("<tr><td width=270 height=16 align=center><font color=808080>"+e.getValue()._itemName+" (</font><font color=FF8000>+"+e.getValue()._itemEnchantLevel+"</font><font color=808080>)</font></td></tr>"); tb_weapon.append("<tr><td width=270 HEIGHT=3><img src=\"L2UI.Squaregray\" width=\"270\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>"); } else if(e.getValue()._group == 2) { tb_armor.append("<tr><td width=270 height=16 align=center><font color=808080>"+e.getValue()._itemName+" (</font><font color=FF8000>+"+e.getValue()._itemEnchantLevel+"</font><font color=808080>)</font></td></tr>"); tb_armor.append("<tr><td width=270 HEIGHT=3><img src=\"L2UI.Squaregray\" width=\"270\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>"); } else if(e.getValue()._group == 3) { tb_jewel.append("<tr><td width=270 height=16 align=center><font color=808080>"+e.getValue()._itemName+" (</font><font color=FF8000>+"+e.getValue()._itemEnchantLevel+"</font><font color=808080>)</font></td></tr>"); tb_jewel.append("<tr><td width=270 HEIGHT=3><img src=\"L2UI.Squaregray\" width=\"270\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>"); } else { // group 4 tb_other.append("<tr><td width=270 height=16 align=center><font color=808080>"+e.getValue()._itemName+" (</font><font color=FF8000>+"+e.getValue()._itemEnchantLevel+"</font><font color=808080>)</font></td></tr>"); tb_other.append("<tr><td width=270 HEIGHT=3><img src=\"L2UI.Squaregray\" width=\"270\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>"); } } // add to head TB generated TB's: tb.append(tb_weapon); tb.append(tb_armor); tb.append(tb_jewel); tb.append(tb_other); } else { tb.append("<tr><td>I can't load Killer Data!</td></tr>"); } tb.append("</table>"); } // footer and back button: tb.append("<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>"); tb.append("<tr><td width=270 height=12 align=center><font color=808080>- killer state in kill moment -</font></td></tr>"); tb.append("<tr><td width=270 height=12></td></tr>"); tb.append("<tr><td width=270 align=center><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h _rps_info\" width="+RankPvpSystemConfig.BUTTON_W+" height="+RankPvpSystemConfig.BUTTON_H+" back=\""+RankPvpSystemConfig.BUTTON_DOWN+"\" fore=\""+RankPvpSystemConfig.BUTTON_UP+"\"></td></tr>"); tb.append("</table>"); tb.append("</center></body></html>"); return tb; } /** * @return the _killer */ public L2PcInstance getKiller() { return _killer; } /** * @param killer the killer to set */ public void setKiller(L2PcInstance killer) { this._killer = killer; } /** * Returns killer items. * @return */ private FastMap<Integer, KillerItem> getKillerItems() { FastMap<Integer, KillerItem> items = new FastMap<>(); for (int j = 0; j < Inventory.PAPERDOLL_TOTALSLOTS; j++) { L2ItemInstance item = getKiller().getInventory().getPaperdollItem(j); if(item != null && (j == Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND || j == Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND)) { items.put(j, new KillerItem(item, KillerItem.GROUP_WEAPON)); } else if (item != null && (j == Inventory.PAPERDOLL_HEAD || j == Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST || j == Inventory.PAPERDOLL_GLOVES || j == Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LEGS || j == Inventory.PAPERDOLL_FEET)) { items.put(j, new KillerItem(item, KillerItem.GROUP_ARMOR)); } else if (item != null && (j == Inventory.PAPERDOLL_NECK || j == Inventory.PAPERDOLL_REAR || j == Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LEAR || j == Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RFINGER || j == Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LFINGER)) { items.put(j, new KillerItem(item, KillerItem.GROUP_JEWEL)); } else if(item != null) { items.put(j, new KillerItem(item, KillerItem.GROUP_OTHER)); } } return items; } class KillerItem { int _itemObjId = 0; String _itemName = null; int _itemEnchantLevel = 0; int _group = GROUP_OTHER; /* item groups */ public static final int GROUP_WEAPON = 1; public static final int GROUP_ARMOR= 2; public static final int GROUP_JEWEL = 3; public static final int GROUP_OTHER = 4; public KillerItem(L2ItemInstance itemInstance, int group) { _itemObjId = itemInstance.getObjectId(); _itemName = itemInstance.getItemName(); _itemEnchantLevel = itemInstance.getEnchantLevel(); _group = group; } } } this code is universal for all chronicles, just correct imports for your pack. PS. Marlin this path should resolve your problem.
  15. again read report rules on 1st page, always give me server version/revision. I will fix it in next rev anyway.
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