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    8====D + (_._) = (_0_) :D

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  1. Mpori kapios na m pis ti prepi na kanw gia na pernoun i pextes tou server mou ta skills tous kai ta clan skills xoris restart gt mexri twra xriazete restart gia na paroun skills!!!
  2. ok tote 8a to ipologisw!!! ala an einai afiste anixto to post mipos kseri kanis tpt alo!!!
  3. Pos mporw na valw sto .xml sta stats nai dini ksero egw px 5% p.attack??? etsi dini 190!!! ti prepi an kanw gia na dini %??? <add val='190' order='0x10' stat='pAtk'/>
  4. Lock to elisa to provlima!!! euxaristwwww pl osous voi8isan!!! telika eprepe na mikrinw ta id tn olpwn!!! ala perasa tn code p afksani to orio k den egine tpt!!! tespa efoson li8ike den pirazi!!!! euxaristw kai pali!!!!
  5. Ksana tpt apolitos!!! ta mavra ikonidia sto multisell minane etsi!!!
  6. oxi!!! NPC.a_casino_FDarkElf exw... Kai exw vali ta html sto default fakelo!!! kai to npc exi kai ala multisell kai html k ola doulevoun ektos apo afto!!! m fanike kai emena poli pi8ano na einai apo ta tous polous ari8mous gt sto 9918 fenete to ikonidio ala den iksera ti na kanw!!!! perasa omos ton code omos k den egine tpt!!! iparxi periptosi na einai apo ta item??? pantos sto inventore fenonte mia xara!!!
  7. oxi den egine tipota!!!
  8. oxi den bgazi kanena!!! oute otan fortoni ta multisell oute otan otan anigo to sigkekrimeno multisell!!!
  9. Lipon magkes einai custom item!!! kai to multisell einai: <list> <item id='1'> <production id='99886' count='1'/> <ingredient id='57' count='1'/> </item> <item id='2'> <production id='99883' count='1'/> <ingredient id='57' count='1'/> </item> <item id='3'> <production id='99885' count='1'/> <ingredient id='57' count='1'/> </item> <item id='4'> <production id='99888' count='1'/> <ingredient id='57' count='1'/> </item> <item id='5'> <production id='99882' count='1'/> <ingredient id='57' count='1'/> </item> <item id='6'> <production id='99891' count='1'/> <ingredient id='57' count='1'/> </item> <item id='7'> <production id='9918' count='1'/> <ingredient id='57' count='1'/> </item> <item id='8'> <production id='99890' count='1'/> <ingredient id='57' count='1'/> </item> <item id='9'> <production id='31225' count='1'/> <ingredient id='57' count='1'/> </item> <item id='10'> <production id='99889' count='1'/> <ingredient id='57' count='1'/> </item> <item id='11'> <production id='99896' count='1'/> <ingredient id='57' count='1'/> </item> </list> afto!!!
  10. exw ena provlima!!! Lipon pou lete exw ftiaksi ena special shop gia tn server mou k se kapia item otan paw na ta agorasw m dixni mavri ikona ala mporw na ta agorasw kanonika kai oute trow critical error otan anigo to multisell!!! exw akousi oti gia na to fix afto einai enas java code p prepi na perasw!!! isxi??? kai an nai mporite na mou pite pios!!! gt epsaksa k den mporw na vrw kati, 8a ksanapsaksw ala an kserete pios code einai pesteto mou!!! thx!!!
  11. Thank you so much for your advice!!! But i had not think of it this way!!! The next time will post anything, i will try to do it well!!! :D
  12. :-\ I can not find better way to coding this code!!!
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