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Everything posted by HumanControl

  1. I just want to try a C4 server after long time, just to remember old times. Please, i want server with over 300 people online. Not 50 Online Players :D
  2. Anyone who suggest the server ?? Or he is a peace of shit like other 59843753847653876 servers ?
  3. +1 I am gonna try too, I dont have nothing to loose ;p
  4. Server is not still in hopezone/Topzone. Give him a try, looks nice.
  5. You are lucky. I will add you in skype. Dont close any deal. We will talk later at night. P.S: Me and my team is greek too. ;)
  6. So... 1st one OWN!!! :P
  7. Retard Posters.... trolololo. Lock The Topic!
  8. Server is still online!! For anyone who think that server closed :D
  9. And my system is wrong ?? lol..
  10. 100-160
  11. Fantastic server like i saw the videos lol... The Server Of The Year :P But there is many other things to judge him. See you in-game :)
  12. yeap, its spam... Thats why "Off Topic" Section exist: 1) 2 or more times posted topics... = Spam 2) Wrong section topics lol
  13. You are wrong..
  14. Very good Server... i am playing here too. If someone disagree w/o to join.. He must join to see the server with his own eyes :P
  15. i am not gonna join in that server becauze i dont see features in this topic!!! And no i denied to visit the site. And for what reason is this fucking section? To post just the link ? I can find millions servers searching the link lol.
  16. kidz.... they are not available to give money xD
  17. Tell me one reason when i see these messages in my screen cauze of your fucking patch.. TELL ME ONE FUCKING REASON TO DESTROY MY PC LOL... 176 Threads Found! 1 Serious Thread For Your Computer! Virus ~~~> Sality I Think You Need To Spent More Time For Your Server.
  18. sry i confused. :o Any announcment about when server gonna be live ?
  19. i already found new server........ :D So... they should think it earlier lol.
  20. Whats the meaning of the 20 minutes buffs ? :o I cant understand you all. If you prefer a buffer with 20 minute buffs, then better dont even use NPC buffer. Or simply u can increase the buff time to 1-2 hours.
  21. 1) So bad title ~~~!> -5 2) I dont really like wiped servers, its like i am playing for nothing. players wants something stable.. No Wipe, No Large DownTimes And Balance. -5 For wipe. 3) Features looks like well.... but try to make one classic server... Custom servers got 0% Balance. 4) I dont see informations about server machine and i start worry about that :o :o :o
  22. +1 To raise players from all the world u have to care for the languages lol. Server took one big ( -1 ) From me. Absolutely bad moove to keep the server in russian. "Very Bad"
  23. Yeap its true, but i dont know for how long he will be down. Stay tunes at forum, my clan going to another server.
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