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About t1nch09

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  1. Soo guys im looking for a pack, i found out that scoria is one of the best ones around but 150 U$S is a high price some1 know it? i need opinions! tyyyy
  2. eh?? yes.. ofcoruse you can.
  3. What about the pathnodes? there is anyway to auto generate them?
  4. yep but maybe there was a generic way. tnx
  5. interlude, i've buyed the pack so is a private one
  6. some1 know how to do to show an html window when players login?
  7. An out sider means that the npc is out of the designed zone in npcpos. if u wanna solve it you should change the designed zone to that npc :)
  8. Hello guys I was reading the hopzone rules and i found this. Vote link/banner may not be in any script, program, launcher, loader, updater, floating, etc... so, ¿a vote reward from webpage is ilegal? O.o if don't some1 have a vote reward page system or an idea to make one? =P
  9. you can say where you cant open shop writing on your areadata area_begin name=[an_example_name] map_no = {17;21} type=peace_zone blocked_actions={priv_store;priv_rstore} range = {{pos0};{-pos1};{pos2};{pos3}} area_end
  10. JAJAJAJAJAJAJA but a staff look better. i need proactive ppl, that can say "i have this idea and can work then we try it, or i can help with the forum, bring ppl, or say -Hey! your web can be better if we do this, etc etc etc" things like that you know
  11. I'm finishing with a l2OFF server, it's nearly over And I'm starting with a community that will include a lots of games and servers. But is a really hard work for one person alone. I will need ppl with the will and the skill to help me out on this project. Does anyone wants to help and be part of the beginning of something HUGE?? I've started a few weeks ago so there is a LOT of work to do and a lot of things to learn. So lets work together to make this possible. www.GamersEvolve.com - now is just a Spanish 'community' that's why I'm looking for eng members, pm me if u are interested
  12. does any1 have it to reupload?
  13. lol XD tnx it work, was 2099
  14. link dead but the one in 2nd page work good :P i guesso cuz i cant edit the ia :S i touch save but it dont save dont need the class end and handler_end?? i dont see any in the code tnx :D
  15. Does Any1 know how to change the unstuck time?
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