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Everything posted by Altec

  1. Hello, my wp655f.exe is not working anymore, it wont let me run the application, does anyone know why?
  2. Hi... I'd like to know if there's any update on Battle Force bug since it has been "fixed" in the server I play in. I tried different ways to make it stay but it wont work and the dinos are not giving battle/spell force anymore. I tried switching subclass in different timing, restarting, etc but nothing yet. Anyone? (Note: after they fixed it and restarted the server, my battle force was still up till I died w/o noble u.u) Thx in advance.
  3. Is there a way to configure it for private servers?... I supposed that method wont work since you gotta specify the server in the host files so how to run L2authd.Lineage2.com plus the server info?
  4. My L2Walker was working perfectly in a l2j server, (IG) but or some reason, one day the squares in the map section just disappeared and I cannot make it show again. The names show up, NPCS, Players, Items, but just the names not the squares is there anyway I can make them show up again?. (I'm talking about the squares that identify an object in L2W map) Thx in advance :/
  5. I wonder what are you doing @ exploits section :o
  6. I didn't know that enchanting at 78 it's more successful than 76, thx for the tip.
  7. I always loved being a GS with Ant Queen and Baium... it just rocks.
  8. I also noticed in a couple servers that residential skills appear as passive skills, is there a way to fix it in a l2j server?, if so, I'd like to know how cause the admins of my server are teh sux :/
  9. Oh, I got a couple nice links from here, thx :D
  10. Did, but it gives the same msg "The disk f is busy. Use start.bat [disk letter]. Press any key to continue..." From what I know, I don't really have a drive using the W letter, all I find is C, D, E, G in use. Unless one of the memory slots are automatically asigned to a letter or something, I don't really know too much about it. I tried giving middle letters like J, K, M but keeps giving the same msg :/
  11. When I run start.bat it says "The disk w is busy. Use start.bat [disk letter]. Press any key to continue... I still get a problem when trying to get in, it says that gameguard update was cancelled. Anyone knows what am I doing wrong?
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