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  1. best server. no corruptions
  2. we are not rdy sir
  3. no
  4. tpt den einai tuxaio to gaylord den sto evgala egw..o xdem mou eipe na se lew etc(xdem sorry pou se ektheto) twra gt to eipe den kserw.. oso gia to oti kanoume acc kai vrizoume se plhroforw oti eimai member apo to 12
  5. toulaxsiton diavase ligo to topic sou, gaylord
  6. pantos gia ta strigkakia pou foras den to arnhthhkes
  7. fysika kai den tha mpw sto gamwserver sou karagkiozh kai anikanos eisai kai fainesai, exeis kanei 10000 servers kai kanenas den krathse panw apo 1 week poutsopaido
  8. lol and i was going to play in his homemade server
  9. the owner of the server is gevorakoc?
  10. na kai o pikramenos upostirikths tou xdem akoma den mporei na xonepsi oti failare o server tou :happyforever:
  11. not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7 BUT 8 :you serious?:
  12. kala eisai sovaros an iksres esy auta ta match oti tha vgoune etsi.. tha evazes tosa leuta? mou fenete tha arxisw na scammarw kosmo se auto to forum.. einai amartia na scammarei o barlog kai oxi egw.. se oti topic paw sinantaw kai 5 ilithious
  13. well i dont play in your server.. but why so mad because im against gay rights? :troll:
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