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Posts posted by merfis202

  1. An x5 server two days old and you complain that 60+ zones are empty? I wonder why those zones are empty... can someone help me out here please?

    And player count - can't say whether online counter is fake or not but there are way more than 400 people playing, I can tell you that much. No shops? Might that be because people have noting to sell yet and are busy farming I wonder?

    if it were really 5k players u coudnt even find free space to exp since all are about the  same level, look sv etc free spots everywhere. max online 1.5k with boxes. 

    and here is not so much shops bercouse u need pay real money to set offline shop. Many stuff u can do for money this is what about is wrath server. Pay to win. I am outta here

  2. Server made for donation.


    Full Package (50 Euros):

    Weapon +20 + PvP + 7 Level Attributes

    Armor Set  +20 + PvP + 7 Level Attributes

    Epic Jewel Set +20 (5 Pieces).

    Cloak of your choise +20

    Belt of your choise +20

    Shirt of your choise +20

    All skills enchanted +15/+30


    Improved Full Package (70 Euros):

    Weapon +20 + PvP + 7 Level Attributes

    Armor Set  +20 + PvP + 7 Level Attributes

    Improved Epic Jewel Set +20 (5 Pieces).

    Cloak of your choise +20

    Belt of your choise +20

    Shirt of your choise +20

    All skills enchanted +15/+30



    Why to even play this game if for 75 euro u are full what is point of play then on mid rate then? Gtfo with this kind of servers.

  3. so u open this server for free , no donations ?

    u will be one of the 2-3 servers that i know since C1 until now

    even premium account affect the game play , and who will pay for "not affecting game items" ?

    i am not a fan of dex server but why should i play on this , cuz is not made for money or pay to win ?!

    off now is pay to win so why u will be diff ?

    have it ur way then i will come and play there if there are at least 500+ ppl on , no 4-5 boxes each personal buffer , bots or donations ... this will convince me !

    p.s. if last server u opened was so great , why u close it ?


    Becouse kidds wanted to try free God retail.

  4. Yeah, your Open Beta was announced to be before 2 weeks or so then u had "real life meeting with friends or whatever", and till now u cant launch beta and u started to  give "vip beta " keys? :D failing before launching server 100% your project will be closed after 2 weeks of grand open ( if its ever gona be launched) :D

  5. Sorry,didnt want to offend anyone bro,but sometimes theese "donate to win" server arguments are just driving me nuts,ofcourse we are free to play wherever we want,but if u look my 1st post i just warned people that l2dc ATM are very bad files,they did 1 mass update like 1 month ago and game has gone nuts,debuff chances suck,olympiad full of geodata holes and wallshots,toi 13 full of holes and the list just goes on.


    I suspect that the reason cerberus will open server after so much while is because they might want l2dc files to be in a better shape cause atm they are not "ready" , but when clueless people reply to me saying that l2dc > java shit while l2dc is java is just hilarious, its not bad to support a server you like,its bad to be a blind fanboy without any knowledge.


    Soon Open Beta so we all can test how things work no need drama before server open. L2C proved that it have amazing gms/admin staff, and loyal players. Thats why this server stunned me, and i come back to play here. :)

  6. bad players excuse for not being able to hand competition.


    I know I know,you are one of thoose many players that can play with maximum 800 online servers,java servers,low skill people and ofcourse without constant parties or whatever.


    the hurtfull trueth is my friend that,even if u join wrath x5 or any other "legit" server out there,u wont even reach nobless status,and thats because you are bad,not because the servers are "donate" to win.


    Also you cant speak about donates ,because you dont know if cerberus will have any.


    AND also a server that has more than 5k people,off files,and opens just now WORTHS THE GODAMN FAKING 10-EURO FOR PREM ACC.


    if u cant give 10 euro for your PLEASURE and gaming experience then go play pacman,its free and donate free.










    All u said is not true , but anyway  go and play where u want, don't trash topic with other server advertisement. Good luck.

  7. there is no reason to join cerberus java, when you can already join h5 off server


    So go and play your donator land server, no one hold u. As previuos l2Cerberus server proved that its long term and good server.


    And L2DC > Java

  8. L2 had all that crew of programmers you're talking about, why you can't find any good server to play? Or at least the official server?


    oh snap :D


    Who said i cant find server? Maybe i already had one on my paylist? )

  9. Thanks for your comment mate i appriciate it. However answer me something. Did you try it? Do you know it is unbalanced? I guess no.

    Well you look pretty stupid blaming something you never tested or ever saw ingame.

    Ah and something else. Official retail L2 was NEVER balanced.


    We will see but i am sure one person can't out make balance versus professional lineage 2 pgorammers crew. :)

    And let me ask u something. U say Offi never was balanced. Had u ever payed Official lineage before it went Free2Play? Trial 30 days mode doesnt count cous u cant actually test skill in 20 lvl :D Played offi high five chronicle? If all answers is NO please never ever talk about offi balance like all lineage 2 private servers kidds who know everything about l2 :)) good luck

  10. I will better wait l3 or whatever. Play 1-2 max 3 peoples created "Balance" with new skills....? meh... Real mmorpg have all crew of programmers and experts to make some balance, uncountable hours of experts testing all skills combinations etc. Have fun in no brain balance server, u will repeat my words :D

  11. l2DC files sucks donkey balls,olympiad broken,geodata broken,no balance,and toi full of holes,glhf.


    How do u know if u didn't even play here at old Cerberus x7 i guess. Stop spread hate couse all u said is bullshit :) And yeah u better prefer bugged java/custom things ))

  12. banner-logo.png

    low rate - x3

    START: 01.10.2013.
    WWW: http://www.L2Cerberus.eu/
    FORUM: http://forum.l2cerberus.eu
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/L2Cerberus

    Welcome, L2Cerberus team would like to introduce a new project.After a long break after our last server (L2C x7 - 2 years) we decided to try again.
    We decided on low rates x3, we hope it will let us keep server interesting for even longer then last time. Its gonna run on H5 as we are once again on L2DC files
    The way we run things, as well as our team remain unchanged, donations that does not affect gameplay and nearly "retail like" settings.
    Soon we are gonna run OPEN BETA server to test basic funcionality and configs, and you are all welcome to join, we will however wipe that server before the final launch date.

    All this info may still change.


    Xp = 3x
    Sp = 3x
    Party Xp = 1.2x
    Party Sp = 1.2x
    Adena = 2x
    Seal Stones = 2x
    Item Drop = 2x
    "Common" Item Drop = 2x
    RB Item Drop = 2x
    Spoil = 2x
    Manor = 2x
    Fishing = 3x
    Quest Drop = 2x
    Quest Reward = 2x (excluding Scrolls, Recipes, Items)
    Quests XP = 3x
    Quests SP = 3x
    Castle Guard Price = 4x
    HellBound Points = 1.5x


    L2DC Files
    All skills functional (after general rework).
    All "enchant routes".
    All GE locations.
    H5 locations (Antharas' Lair, Dragon Valley)
    Hellbound Isle fully functional up to 11 level.
    Hellbound Towers (not fully done).
    Territory Wars.
    All epic raids (Including Freya).
    Fully functional olympiad
    "Vitality" system
    Improved Pets.
    Retail like buff duration.
    Skill Transfer System.
    No autolearn skill.
    Instances in clan halls and casles. (like Benom)
    All Kamalokas.
    All Pailakas.
    Subclass Skill Certifications.
    3 quests for class change.
    Noble/Subclass quests.
    "Champion Monsters" system
    Cursed Weapons.
    Event Team vs Team - Deathmatch/Last Man Standing.
    All epic Seven Signs quests.
    Community Board

  13. I never cursed or flamed gm on my entire life please dont lie thats a sin

    proofs for edited gm character corrupting the server: click



    [391 dmg - avaneLo]

    off nobless

    On Battlefield Death syndrome



    As we see here Avanelo finished u with 391dmg then u dead and got battlefield death syndrome which reduce some stats ans also u are buffles. So full buffed titan with apetite/ cc etc on can make this dmg or maybe u puted out armor too couse u was pissed and wanted make look server corrupted. so buffles/no armor/with death syndrome -> easy to reach even 500k dmg. so stop show faked screens :-0

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