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About WasUp

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  1. offer for 10 B?
  2. Wts diablo 3 account or trade for a sc 2 account wol+hots.
  3. wts account if u are still looking for 1.
  4. What for u need adena items there?:)
  5. scamer detected :d don't do any trades with him .....
  6. New scamer on forum CLUBDOGO . sent mail never answered again but anyway 200 KK not a big deal. skype id pandino993
  7. wts 3 B adena on shilen 25euro/35$ 1 B.
  8. Race Elf Nobless 2x sub 75 sumoner and wc. Gear: 1. Heavy set most of the set is 3x60 gaiters are +4 3x120 blessed. 2. Robe set clean. 3.Seraph jewls set +3 4.Istina earing +4 5 Istina neck +4 6 Specter caster acumen +3 7 Blessed ethernal shoes , normal tunic ethernal,gaiters ethernal bound. 1B adena. Traded here at the start of core havent been active since people that know me can vouch that i did not scam anyone till the present day. PM with offers.
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