Technology Ivy Bridge Processor Intel i5 Cores 4 Threads 4 Frequency 3.4GHz Turbo Boost 3.8GHz RAM 16 GB DDR3 Hard drive 2 x 1TB SATA2 RAID SOFT - 0/1
(RAID-1 by default) NIC GigaEthernet Network
Connection 100 Mbps Equipment Cisco Catalyst Bandwidth Type Guarantees Traffic 5 TB/month Within's network 100 Mbps Incoming (Internet to 100 Mbps Outgoing ( to Internet) 100 Mbps Up to 5TB of traffic per month, then 10Mbps. *
*: You can buy additional TB of traffic directly from your manager: $6.99 per TB.
IP Addresses Included IPv4 1 IPv4 Fail-Over 3 IPv6 /64
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